9-17  Price Indices for Real Estate
      (preceding year=100)
Item 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Selling Price Indices of Houses 101.1 104.8 109.7 107.6 105.5
      Commercial Houses 100.8 105.0 109.0 107.7 105.8
          Residential Buildings 101.4 105.7 109.4 108.4 106.4
              Economically Affordable Housing 101.4 102.6 103.2 103.7 103.7
              General Residential Buildings 101.5 106.2 109.8 108.2 105.9
                 Multi-storey Buildings 102.4 106.8 109.9 108.5 105.7
                 High-layer Buildings 100.2 106.1 109.7 107.6 106.4
                 Other Buildings   115.6 99.4
              Luxury Residential Buildings 101.3 104.0 110.0 109.5 107.7
                  Villas 101.4 104.3 109.6 109.0 106.7
                  High-grade Apartment 101.1 103.8 110.3 109.7 108.4
          Non-Residential Buildings 98.7 102.7 107.1 105.6 104.0
             Office Buildings 98.1 103.4 108.1 107.2 104.6
             Business and Entertainment 99.6 102.3 107.0 104.6 104.6
             Industry and Storage   103.9 101.9
             Others 96.9 103.7 103.9 103.8 103.9
      Second-hand House       107.5 104.7
         Residential Buildings       108.4 105.2
         Non-residential Buildings       105.5 103.4
  Transactions Price Indices of Land 100.2 108.3 110.1 109.1 105.8
      Land for Residential Building Use 101.0 112.4 111.6 110.3 106.0
           Luxury Residential Buildings 101.6 105.9 107.6 120.5 107.4
           General Residential Buildings 100.9 113.0 111.8 108.9 105.7
           Economically Affordable Housing   105.3 108.2
      Land for Industry and Storage Use 98.6 101.3 104.3 103.6 104.7
      Land for Business, Tourism and Entertainment 100.4 104.9 110.4 107.9 106.4
      Land for Other Uses 99.8 104.4 105.5 106.7 103.5
  Renting Price Indices of Houses 102.4 101.9 101.4 101.9 101.4
      Residential Buildings 114.2 107.5 102.2 100.5 101.4
          General Residential Buildings     100.6 102.3
          Luxury Residential Buildings     100.1 100.2
          Economically Affordable Housing     101.2 100.1
          Tenement House     100.0 100.2
      Office Buildings 96.2 99.9 100.2 102.9 100.9
          High-grade Office Buildings 95.2 100.2 99.9 103.4 101.0
          General Office Buildings 96.9 99.7 100.8 100.8 100.5
      Business and Entertainment Buildings 99.0 99.6 102.0 101.7 101.8
      Industry and Storage Buildings 99.6 100.5 100.9 99.9 100.0
      Other Buildings     104.5 101.9
  Property Management Price Indices     100.0 100.3
      Residential Buildings     100.1 100.2
      Office Buildings     99.9 100.2
      Business and Entertainment Buildings     99.8 100.6
      Industry and Storage Buildings     100.4 100.1