8-6  Government Expenditure For Agriculture
            (100 million yuan)
  Expenditure for Expenditure Science & Rural Others Ratio to Total
Total Supporting for Agricultural  Technology Relief Government
  Agriculture Capital Promotion Funds Expenditure
  Production Construction Funds   (%)
1978 150.66 76.95 51.14 1.06 6.88 14.63 13.43
1980 149.95 82.12 48.59 1.31 7.26 10.67 12.20
1985 153.62 101.04 37.73 1.95 12.90   7.66
1990 307.84 221.76 66.71 3.11 16.26   9.98
1991 347.57 243.55 75.49 2.93 25.60   10.26
1992 376.02 269.04 85.00 3.00 18.98   10.05
1993 440.45 323.42 95.00 3.00 19.03   9.49
1994 532.98 399.70 107.00 3.00 23.28   9.20
1995 574.93 430.22 110.00 3.00 31.71   8.43
1996 700.43 510.07 141.51 4.94 43.91   8.82
1997 766.39 560.77 159.78 5.48 40.36   8.30
1998 1154.76 626.02 460.70 9.14 58.90   10.69
1999 1085.76 677.46 357.00 9.13 42.17   8.23
2000 1231.54 766.89 414.46 9.78 40.41   7.75
2001 1456.73 917.96 480.81 10.28 47.68   7.71
2002 1580.76 1102.70 423.80 9.88 44.38   7.17
2003 1754.45 1134.86 527.36 12.43 79.80   7.12
2004 2337.63 1693.79 542.36 15.61 85.87   9.67
2005 2450.31 1792.40 512.63 19.90 125.38   7.22
2006 3172.97 2161.35 504.28 21.42 182.04 303.88 7.85
a) Expenditure for agricultural capital construction since 1998 includes the expenditure funded from additional issuing national debt.
b) Expenditure for others includes expenditure on the new cooperative medical care, subsidiary to villager's committee.