8-4  Government Expenditure by Main Item
        (100 million yuan)
Year   Additional     Operating            
Expenditure Appropriation Innovation Funds Geological Expenses of the Expenditure for Expenditure on Culture, Expenditure for Expenditure for Administrative Expenditure on
for for and Science Prospecting Departments of Supporting          
Capital Circulating and Technology Expenses Industry, Rural Education, Science Social Security National Defence Expenses Policy-related
Construction Capital of Promotion   Transport Production          
  Enterprises Funds   and Commerce   and Public Health       Subsidies
1978 451.92   63.24 20.15 17.79 76.95 112.66 18.91 167.84 49.09 11.14
1980 346.36   80.45 22.57 22.85 82.12 156.26 20.31 193.84 66.79 117.71
1985 554.56 14.30 103.42 29.58 35.16 101.04 316.70 31.15 191.53 130.58 261.79
1990 547.39 10.90 153.91 36.19 46.93 221.76 617.29 55.04 290.31 303.10 380.80
1991 559.62 13.08 180.81 38.34 52.41 243.55 708.00 67.32 330.31 343.60 373.77
1992 555.90 10.63 223.62 44.07 64.58 269.04 792.96 66.45 377.86 424.58 321.64
1993 591.93 18.48 421.38 49.06 76.22 323.42 957.77 75.27 425.80 535.77 299.30
1994 639.72 17.33 415.13 64.13 100.77 399.70 1278.18 95.14 550.71 729.43 314.47
1995 789.22 34.80 494.45 66.32 102.76 430.22 1467.06 115.46 636.72 872.68 364.89
1996 907.44 42.93 523.02 68.56 120.41 510.07 1704.25 182.68 720.06 1040.80 453.91
1997 1019.50 52.20 643.20 73.37 136.41 560.77 1903.59 328.42 812.57 1137.16 551.96
1998 1387.74 42.36 641.18 83.13 121.56 626.02 2154.38 595.63 934.70 1326.77 712.12
1999 2116.57 56.41 766.05 83.69 128.07 677.46 2408.06 1197.44 1076.40 1525.68 697.64
2000 2094.89 71.06 865.24 88.12 150.07 766.89 2736.88 1517.57 1207.54 1787.58 1042.28
2001 2510.64 22.71 991.56 99.01 200.12 917.96 3361.02 1987.40 1442.04 2197.52 741.51
2002 3142.98 18.97 968.38 102.89 232.38 1102.70 3979.08 2636.22 1707.78 2979.42 645.07
2003 3429.30 11.95 1092.99 106.94 285.23 1134.86 4505.51 2655.91 1907.87 3437.68 617.28
2004 3437.50 12.44 1243.94 115.45 368.21 1693.79 5143.65 3116.08 2200.01 4059.91 795.80
2005 4041.34 18.17 1494.59 132.70 444.15 1792.40 6104.18 3698.86 2474.96 4835.43 998.47
2006 4390.38 16.58 1744.56 141.82 581.25 2161.35 7425.98 4361.78 2979.38 5639.05 1387.52
a) Administrative expenses includes the expenditure for public security, judicial agency court and procuratorial agency and expenditure for foreign  affairs.
b) Social security subsidiary Expenses include expenses on pension and social welfare, social security subsidies and expenditure for the retired in the 
    government and other institutions. Those did not include expenditure for retired persons before 1996, which are listed under the item of Administrative Expenses.