6-27  Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
Item 2003 2004 2005 2006
 Number of Enterprises                                           (unit) 37123 59242 56290 58710
    Domestic Funded 33107 53495 50957 53268
        State-owned Enterprises 4558 4775 4145 3797
        Collective-owned Enterprises 2205 2390 1796 1586
    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 2840 3639 3443 3519
    Foreign Funded 1176 2108 1890 1923
 Average Number of Employed Persons (10 000 persons) 120.54 158.54 151.62 160.09
    Domestic Funded 108.69 142.93 136.67 144.22
        State-owned Enterprises 17.96 16.35 14.01 13.23
        Collective-owned Enterprises 7.24 5.85 4.10 3.84
    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 7.94 9.56 9.07 9.77
    Foreign Funded 3.90 6.05 5.87 6.11
 Land Development and Purchase            (10 000 sq.m)  
    Land Space Developed This Year 22166.3 19740.2 22676.2 27128.4
    Land Space Purchased This Year 35696.5 39784.7 38253.7 36573.6
 Investment Completed This Year     (100 million yuan) 10153.8 13158.3 15909.2 19422.9
    Residential Buildings 6776.7 8837.0 10860.9 13638.4
        Economically Affordable Housing 622.0 606.4 519.2 696.8
 Sources of Funds                                (100 million yuan) 13196.9 17168.8 21397.8 27135.6
    Domestic Loans 3138.3 3158.4 3918.1 5357.0
    Foreign Investment 170.0 228.2 257.8 400.2
    Self-raising Fund 3770.7 5207.6 7000.4 8597.1
 Floor Space of Buildings                         (10 000 sq.m)  
     Floor Space under Construction 117526.0 140451.4 166053.3 194786.4
     Floor Space Completed 41464.1 42464.9 53417.0 55830.9
     Floor Space Started This Year 54707.5 60413.9 68064.4 79252.8
         Residential Buildings 43853.9 47949.0 55185.1 64403.8
             Economically Affordable Housing 5330.6 4257.5 3513.4 4379.0
 Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings Sold (10 000 sq.m) 33717.6 38231.6 55486.2 61857.1
     Residential Buildings 29778.8 33819.9 49587.8 55422.9
        Economically Affordable Housing 4018.9 3261.8 3205.0 3337.0
  Selling Price of Commercialized Buildings    (yuan/sq.m) 2359 2778 3168 3367
     Residential Buildings 2197 2608 2937 3119
        Economically Affordable Housing 1380 1482 1655 1729
 Total Capital Held                            (100 million yuan) 8471.0 12545.8 13927.0 16172.4
     State Capital 408.3 1974.7 1596.5 2010.0
 Ratio of Liabilities to Assets                                 (%) 75.8 74.1 72.7 74.1
 Total  Revenue                                  (100 million yuan) 9137.3 13314.5 14769.3 18046.8
     Land Transferred 279.7 410.1 341.4 300.6
a) All figures for 2004 are from annual statistical reporting forms, except figures on number of enterprises, average number of employed persons, 
    selling prices of houses and other financial indicators which are from the First Economic Census. The same applies to the tables following.
b) Figures on floor space of houses sold and selling price of houses for 2004 and the earlier years refer to houses actually sold out, while figures since 
    2005 refer to both completed and future houses sold. The same applies to the tables following.