3-28 Flow of Funds
Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2004) |
(100 million yuan) |
Sectors |
Non-financial |
Financial |
General |
Households |
All Domestic Sectors |
The Rest of the World |
Total |
Corporations |
Institutions |
Governments |
Items |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Net Exports |
-4079.1 |
-4079.1 |
Value Added |
93347.9 |
5393.0 |
16371.5 |
44765.9 |
159878.3 |
159878.3 |
Compensation of Laborers |
34472.6 |
1957.4 |
10850.0 |
27919.4 |
75251.8 |
75199.5 |
75251.8 |
166.8 |
114.4 |
75366.2 |
75366.2 |
Wages and Salaries |
Employers' Social
Contributions |
Taxes on Production, Net |
20267.9 |
779.1 |
224.9 |
23866.3 |
2594.4 |
23866.3 |
23866.3 |
23866.3 |
23866.3 |
Taxes on Products |
Subsidies on
Production |
Income from Properties |
7169.9 |
4944.1 |
6568.4 |
6606.8 |
1299.9 |
602.1 |
1672.5 |
4214.1 |
16710.7 |
16367.1 |
1532.4 |
1876.0 |
18243.1 |
18243.1 |
Interest |
4207.1 |
2658.9 |
6458.0 |
6606.8 |
1299.9 |
602.1 |
1672.5 |
3769.8 |
13637.5 |
13637.5 |
13637.5 |
13637.5 |
Distributed Income
of Corporations |
2962.8 |
2246.8 |
30.2 |
402.6 |
2993.0 |
2649.4 |
1532.4 |
1876.0 |
4525.4 |
4525.4 |
Rent on Land Use |
Others |
38.5 |
80.2 |
41.7 |
80.2 |
80.2 |
80.2 |
80.2 |
Total Income from Primary Distribution |
36381.6 |
2694.9 |
28465.0 |
92045.6 |
159587.1 |
159587.1 |
Current Transfer |
3001.6 |
305.6 |
1200.2 |
0.0 |
6216.9 |
10667.0 |
7619.2 |
8961.5 |
21302.8 |
23198.9 |
2011.8 |
115.6 |
23314.5 |
23314.5 |
Taxes on Income |
2947.2 |
195.2 |
4878.7 |
1736.2 |
4878.7 |
4878.7 |
4878.7 |
4878.7 |
Payment to Social
Security |
5780.3 |
5780.3 |
5780.3 |
5780.3 |
5780.3 |
5780.3 |
Social Security
Welfare |
4627.4 |
4627.4 |
4627.4 |
4627.4 |
4627.4 |
4627.4 |
Allowances |
54.4 |
563.5 |
617.9 |
617.9 |
617.9 |
617.9 |
617.9 |
Others |
305.6 |
1005.0 |
1026.1 |
8.1 |
102.7 |
3716.2 |
2133.7 |
4029.9 |
2011.8 |
115.6 |
4145.5 |
4145.5 |
Total Disposable Income |
33685.6 |
1494.7 |
32915.1 |
93387.9 |
161483.3 |
161483.3 |
Final Consumption Expenditure |
23199.4 |
63833.5 |
87032.9 |
87032.9 |
Consumption |
63833.5 |
63833.5 |
63833.5 |
Consumption |
23199.4 |
23199.4 |
23199.4 |
Savings |
33685.6 |
1494.7 |
9715.7 |
29554.4 |
74450.4 |
-5684.0 |
68766.4 |
Capital Transfers |
3804.1 |
3809.9 |
6544.7 |
6538.9 |
5.7 |
6544.7 |
6544.6 |
Allowances |
3804.1 |
3804.1 |
5.7 |
Other |
5.8 |
Gross Capital Formation |
47269.4 |
90.0 |
8226.0 |
13583.0 |
69168.4 |
69168.4 |
Gross Fixed Capital
Formation |
43638.4 |
90.0 |
8226.0 |
13163.3 |
65117.7 |
65117.7 |
Changes in
Inventories |
3631.0 |
419.7 |
4050.7 |
4050.7 |
Acquisitions Less Disposals of |
Other Non-financial Assets |
Net Financial Investment |
-9779.7 |
1404.6 |
-2320.1 |
15971.4 |
5276.3 |
-5678.3 |
-402.0 |