3-5  Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
Data in this table are calculated at current prices.        
          (100 million yuan)
Year Tertiary            
Industry Transport, Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Others
  Storage and and Intermediation    
  and Post Retail Trades Catering      
1978 872.5 182.0 242.3 44.6 68.2 79.9 255.6
1979 878.9 193.7 200.9 44.0 66.9 86.3 287.1
1980 982.0 213.4 193.8 47.4 75.0 96.4 356.0
1981 1076.6 220.7 231.1 54.1 79.8 99.9 390.9
1982 1163.0 246.9 171.4 62.3 114.8 110.8 456.8
1983 1338.1 274.9 198.7 72.5 149.0 121.8 521.2
1984 1786.3 338.5 363.5 96.8 203.9 162.3 621.2
1985 2585.0 421.7 802.4 138.3 259.9 215.2 747.5
1986 2993.8 498.8 852.6 163.2 356.4 298.1 824.6
1987 3574.0 568.3 1059.6 187.1 450.0 382.6 926.3
1988 4590.3 685.7 1483.4 241.4 585.4 473.8 1120.6
1989 5448.4 812.7 1536.2 277.4 964.3 566.2 1291.6
1990 5888.4 1167.0 1268.9 301.9 1017.5 662.2 1470.9
1991 7337.1 1420.3 1834.6 442.3 1056.3 763.7 1819.9
1992 9357.4 1689.0 2405.0 584.6 1306.2 1101.3 2271.3
1993 11915.7 2174.0 2816.6 712.1 1669.7 1379.6 3163.7
1994 16179.8 2787.9 3773.4 1008.5 2234.8 1909.3 4465.8
1995 19978.5 3244.3 4778.6 1200.1 2798.5 2354.0 5602.9
1996 23326.2 3782.2 5599.7 1336.8 3211.7 2617.6 6778.3
1997 26988.1 4148.6 6327.4 1561.3 3606.8 2921.1 8423.0
1998 30580.5 4660.9 6913.2 1786.9 3697.7 3434.5 10087.3
1999 33873.4 5175.2 7491.1 1941.2 3816.5 3681.8 11767.7
2000 38714.0 6161.0 8158.6 2146.3 4086.7 4149.1 14012.4
2001 44361.6 6870.3 9119.4 2400.1 4353.5 4715.1 16903.3
2002 49898.9 7492.9 9995.4 2724.8 4612.8 5346.4 19726.7
2003 56004.7 7913.2 11169.5 3126.1 4989.4 6172.7 22633.9
2004 64561.3 9304.4 12453.8 3665.0 5393.0 7174.1 26571.0
2005 73432.9 10835.7 13534.5 4193.4 6307.2 8243.8 30318.1
2006 82972.0 12032.4 15158.4 4833.0 7586.6 9483.9 33877.7