3-4  Indices of Gross Domestic Product
Data in this table are calculated at constant prices.          
            (year of 1978=100)
Year Gross Gross           Per
National Domestic Primary Secondary     Tertiary Capita
Income Product Industry Industry Industry Construction Industry GDP
1978 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1979 107.6 107.6 106.1 108.2 108.7 102.0 107.9 106.1
1980 116.0 116.0 104.6 122.9 122.4 129.2 114.3 113.0
1981 122.0 122.1 111.9 125.2 124.5 133.3 126.2 117.5
1982 133.3 133.1 124.8 132.1 131.7 137.9 142.6 126.2
1983 148.2 147.6 135.1 145.8 144.5 161.4 164.3 137.9
1984 170.8 170.0 152.6 166.9 166.0 179.0 196.0 156.8
1985 193.4 192.9 155.4 197.9 196.2 218.7 231.7 175.5
1986 209.9 210.0 160.5 218.2 215.2 253.4 259.6 188.2
1987 234.1 234.3 168.1 248.1 243.6 298.7 296.8 206.6
1988 260.6 260.7 172.3 284.1 280.8 322.5 335.9 226.3
1989 271.4 271.3 177.6 294.8 295.0 295.3 353.9 231.9
1990 282.5 281.7 190.7 304.1 304.9 298.8 362.1 237.3
1991 308.2 307.6 195.2 346.3 348.8 327.4 394.3 255.6
1992 351.5 351.4 204.4 419.5 422.6 396.2 443.3 288.4
1993 399.6 400.4 214.0 502.8 507.5 467.5 497.4 324.9
1994 452.0 452.8 222.6 595.2 603.5 531.5 552.5 363.3
1995 494.2 502.3 233.7 677.7 688.2 597.4 606.9 398.6
1996 544.5 552.6 245.6 759.8 774.3 648.2 664.1 433.9
1997 596.9 603.9 254.2 839.4 861.9 665.2 735.3 469.4
1998 640.6 651.2 263.1 914.2 938.6 725.2 796.8 501.4
1999 691.5 700.9 270.5 988.6 1018.6 756.2 871.2 534.9
2000 750.6 759.9 277.0 1081.8 1118.3 799.1 956.1 575.5
2001 811.1 823.0 284.8 1173.1 1215.2 853.3 1054.2 618.7
2002 888.5 897.8 293.0 1288.4 1336.4 928.3 1164.2 670.4
2003 983.1 987.8 300.3 1451.7 1506.8 1040.4 1274.9 733.1
2004 1085.4 1087.4 319.3 1613.0 1680.2 1125.0 1403.1 802.2
2005 1206.5 1200.8 336.0 1801.6 1874.7 1266.9 1550.4 880.7
2006 1339.9 1334.0 352.8 2035.2 2116.1 1439.9 1717.3 972.9