2-11  Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Minority Autonomous Regions
Item Aggregate Data Indices and Growth Rates (%)
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006  Index  (2006 as percentage of the following years) Average Annual Growth Rate
1990 1995 2000 2005 1991- 1996- 2001-
2006 2006 2006
         Population and Employment                                           
Population                                              (10 000 persons)  
    Population at Year-end                                               15296 16044 16818 17468 17680 115.6 110.2 105.1 101.2 0.9 0.0 0.8
        Ethnic Minority Population                                                      6880 7232 7767 8239 8367 121.6 115.7 107.7 101.6 1.2 1.3 1.2
     Employment                                        (10 000 persons) 7406.44 7869.62 8308.89 8879.13 8985.42 121.3 114.2 108.1 101.2 1.2 1.2 1.3
            Macro Economy                                             
GRP                                                     (100 million yuan)   4901.14 7486.15 15705.93 18659.11   307.1 199.1 114.4   10.7 12.2
    Primary Industry                                                                 1628.55 2022.30 3300.20 3622.87   184.0 140.1 106.2   5.7 5.8
    Secondary Industry                                                             1746.52 2834.43 6419.02 8089.52   420.0 249.4 119.7   13.9 16.5
    Tertiary Industry                                                                 1526.07 2629.41 5986.71 6946.73   312.8 194.5 113.3   10.9 11.7
Investment in Fixed Assets               (100 million yuan)      
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets                                        1444.0 2477.0 8357.7 10564.2   731.6 426.5 126.4   18.8 27.3
         State-owned Units                                                        259.4 982.6 1552.6 3767.5 4642.2 1789.6 472.4 299.0 123.2 19.8 15.2 20.0
Public Finance                                   (100 million yuan)        
    Local Governments Revenue                                            166.7 248.1 475.5 1026.4 1279.9 767.8 515.9 269.1 124.7 13.6 16.1 17.9
    Local Governments Expenditures                                     304.4 595.1 1172.9 3050.4 3734.1 1226.7 627.5 318.4 122.4 17.0 18.2 21.3
   Cultivated Areas                                   (10 000 hectares) 1763.0 1508.0 2086.4 2033.1 2157.1 122.4 143.0 103.4 106.1 1.3 3.3 0.6
   Irrigated Areas                                      (10 000 hectares) 764.0 838.0 935.7 1027.4 1054.5 138.0 125.8 112.7 102.6 2.0 2.1 2.0
   Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry,                            2536.6 3199.8 5349.5 5907.1 267.7 192.0 146.3 107.3 6.3 6.1 6.5
      Animal Husbandry and Fishery       (100 million yuan)      
   Output of Major Farm Products                                               
     Grain Output                                             (10 000 tons) 5373.0 5801.0 6381.4 7186.8 7201.5 134.0 124.1 112.9 100.2 1.8 2.0 2.0
     Cotton Output                                           (10 000 tons) 47.0 94.6 146.2 187.9 219.5 466.9 232.0 150.1 116.8 10.1 8.0 7.0
     Oil-bearing Crops Output                         (10 000 tons) 208.0 264.0 353.2 372.0 359.3 172.7 136.1 101.7 96.6 3.5 2.8 0.3
     Large Domestic Animals at Year-end       (10 000 heads) 5286.0 5618.0 5565.9 6152.6 6263.7 118.5 111.5 112.5 101.8 1.1 1.0 2.0
     Goats and Sheep at Year-end                   (10 000 heads) 11362.0 11906.0 13075.8 16390.8 16459.7 144.9 138.2 125.9 100.4 2.3 3.0 3.9
     Hogs at Year-end                                   (10 000 heads) 5668.0 7240.0 8200.8 8526.4 8143.9 143.7 112.5 99.3 95.5 2.3 1.1 -0.1
    Gross Industrial Output Value           (100 million yuan)   3923.5 10653.6 14214.7  
    Output of Major Industrial Products                                    
         Cloth                                                  (100 million m) 7.4 6.9 5.0 3.5 4.7 63.8 68.4 94.2 134.9 -2.8 -3.4 -1.0
         Machine-made Paper and Paperboards (10 000 tons) 94.1 191.2 175.5 272.9 258.7 274.9 135.3 147.5 94.8 6.5 2.8 6.7
         Refined Sugar                                        (10 000 tons) 222.6 239.5 498.2 678.1 758.5 340.7 316.7 152.2 111.9 8.0 11.0 7.3
         Coal                                                (100 million tons) 1.21 1.66 1.46 3.80 4.29 354.8 258.6 293.6 113.0 8.2 9.0 19.7
         Crude Oil                                               (10 000 tons) 1265.0 1610.0 2291.7 2832.5 2913.8 230.3 181.0 127.1 102.9 5.4 5.5 4.1
         Electricity                                      (100 million kwh) 738.8 1186.5 1712.5 3052.2 3740.2 506.2 315.2 218.4 122.5 10.7 11.0 13.9
         Crude Steel                                            (10 000 tons) 368.3 699.6 647.1 1846.3 2150.2 583.8 307.3 332.3 116.5 11.7 10.7 22.2
         Pig Iron                                                  (10 000 tons) 417.0 554.7 724.8 2086.8 2384.3 571.8 429.8 328.9 114.3 11.5 14.2 22.0
         Cement                                                  (10 000 tons) 1957.8 4295.9 5703.1 10155.9 11752.7 600.3 273.6 206.1 115.7 11.9 8.6 12.8
         Timber                                                  (10 000 cu.m) 1761.0 3257.0 1052.5 169.4 464.5 26.4 14.3 44.1 274.2 -8.0 -16.2 -12.7
    Number of Employed Persons                   (10 000 persons)   131.6 141.7 152.9   116.2 107.9   2.5
    Gross Output Value                                (100 million yuan)   754.3 1655.9 1927.5   255.5 116.4   16.9
    Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction                         9231.9 15964.4 18544.2   200.9 116.2   12.3
    Floor Space of Buildings Completed             (10 000 sq.m)   5325.9 8072.1 9205.8   172.8 114.0   9.5
Transportation , Post and Telecommunication                              
   Railways in Operation                                       (10 000 km) 1.31 1.70 1.43 1.76 1.80   126.1 102.3   3.9
   Highways                                                           (10 000 km) 29.37 33.21 42.36 62.14 77.41 263.6 233.1 182.7 124.6 6.2 8.0 10.6
   Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication Services 8.6 78.0 296.9 891.8 1119.0 13011.4 1434.6 376.9 125.5 35.6 26.3 24.7
                                                                   (100 million yuan)  
   Total Length of Postal Routes and Rural Delivery Routes      
                                                                            (10 000 km) 88.0 106.8 109.5 109.7 114.2 129.8 107.0 104.3 104.1 1.6 0.6 0.7
Domestic Trade                                                                               
    Retail Sales of Consumer Goods               (100 million yuan) 681.8 1692.3 2569.8 4874.2 5665.2 830.9 334.8 220.5 116.2 14.1 11.6 14.1
Foreign Trade                                                                                
   Total Exports and Imports                       (USD 100 million)   85.6 221.5 274.8   320.9 124.1   21.4
       Exports                                                                                  49.7 126.4 171.7   345.6 135.8   23.0
       Imports                                                                                  36.0 95.1 103.5   287.9 108.9   19.3
International Tourism                                                               
   Number of Overseas Tourists                       (10 000 persons)   348.2 532.0 599.9   172.3 112.8   9.5
   Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism                                7.5 12.8 15.8   208.9 123.2   13.1
                                                           (USD 100 million yuan)    
   Deposits of National Banking System     (100 million yuan)   7905.8 16323.8 19897.9     251.7 121.9   16.6
   Loans of National Banking System         (100 million yuan)   6548.0 11299.7 13419.6     204.9 118.8   12.7
          Education, Culture and Health Care                              
   Students Enrollment                                   (10 000 persons)    
          Institutions of Higher Education                                     13.6 18.6 34.2 100.0 113.0 831.0 607.6 330.5 113.0 14.2 17.8 22.0
          Secondary Schools                                                           609.6 631.9 873.0 1082.4 1098.9 180.3 173.9 125.9 101.5 3.8 5.2 3.9
          Primary Schools                                                               1852.9 1889.5 1886.0 1667.7 1654.0 89.3 87.5 87.7 99.2 -0.7 -1.2 -2.2
   Full-time Teachers                                      (10 000 persons)    
          Institutions of Higher Education                                     2.8 3.7 3.6 6.3 7.1 254.3 192.5 195.7 113.0 6.0 6.1 11.8
          Secondary Schools                                                           41.5 41.5 47.9 61.1 61.9 149.1 149.2 129.2 101.3 2.5 3.7 4.4
          Primary Schools                                                               84.8 85.8 89.9 88.1 89.0 104.9 103.7 98.9 101.0 0.3 0.3 -0.2
       Number of Books Published                     (10 000 copies) 30166.3 42275.0 42309.5 41957.6 45838.7 152.0 108.4 108.3 109.3 2.6 -0.1 1.3
       Number of  Magazines Issued                  (10 000 copies) 7866.4 7881.0 8332.4 10279.5 10223.1 130.0 129.7 122.7 99.5 1.7 2.4 3.5
       Number of  Newspapers Issued                (10 000 copies) 79119.6 94984.8 123276.9 169518.4 143372.3 181.2 150.9 116.3 84.6 3.8 3.8 2.5
Health Care                                                                                  
   Number of Health Institutions                        (10 000 units) 3.20 2.90 1.60 1.55 1.55 48.3 53.3 96.6 99.8 -4.4 -5.6 -0.6
   Number of Hospitals and Sanatorium Beds    (10 000 units) 35.9 38.7 38.2 41.0 42.5 118.4 109.9 111.4 103.7 1.1 0.9 1.8
   Medical and Technical Personnel              (10 000 persons) 48.9 52.7 35.5 47.8 48.6 99.4 92.1 136.7 101.6 0.0 -0.7 5.4
a) Since 2000, data on the length of railways in operation refer to national railways.
b) Since 2001, the population are from the Ministry of Public Security, the figures are not comparable with the previous years.
c) Gross industrial output value refer to all state-owned industrial enterprises and the non-state-owned industrial enterprises with revenue from principal business over 5 million yuan.