25-7 Gross Domestic
Product (At Current Prices) |
Year |
GDP① |
GDP Real Growth Rate Over the |
GDP per Capita |
(100 million MOP) |
(100 million USD) |
Preceding Year (%)② |
(MOP) |
(USD) |
1991 |
277.3r |
34.7r |
3.7 |
78869r |
9854r |
1992 |
365.2r |
45.8r |
13.3 |
98475r |
12352r |
1993 |
420.7r |
52.8r |
5.2 |
109563r |
13751r |
1994 |
467.2r |
58.7r |
4.3 |
117737r |
14791r |
1995 |
522.7r |
65.6r |
3.3 |
127715r |
16032r |
1996 |
528.1r |
66.3r |
-0.4 |
127211r |
15968r |
1997 |
532.3r |
66.7r |
-0.3 |
127563r |
15996r |
1998 |
493.6r |
61.9r |
-4.6 |
116884r |
14649r |
1999 |
472.9r |
59.2r |
-2.4r |
110637r |
13844r |
2000 |
489.7r |
61.0r |
5.7r |
113739r |
14171r |
2001 |
497.0r |
61.9r |
2.9r |
114501r |
14253r |
2002 |
548.2r |
68.2r |
10.1r |
125058r |
15567r |
2003 |
635.6r |
79.2r |
14.2r |
142820r |
17805r |
2004③ |
826.9 |
103.1 |
28.0 |
180965 |
22557 |
Notes:①Major revision to GDP series
was conducted in 2005 and the base year was renewed from 1996 to 2002. |
②The real growth
rates are calculated based on GDP at constant (2002) prices. |
③The estimates
are subject to revisions as more data become available. |