24-51  Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and Training Institution
Type 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004^
  Kindergarten                      160921 156202 143725 136096 130157
  Primary School 493979 493075 483218 468792 447137
  Secondary School                  466710 465403 465926 470487 476954
      Day School                       456693 456455 461289 467223 474054
           Lower Secondary                     241616 246132 251556 251463 253619
           Upper Secondary                     155518 150886 150705 157009 160916
           Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 59559 59437 59028 58751 59519
       Evening School                         10017 8948 4637 3264 2900
  Special Education School                    9387 9538 9889 10177 8491
           Special School 9181 9381 9648 10082 8403
           Special Classes in Ordinary School 206 157 241 95 88
 Vocational Training Council①② 56639 58230 59714 59694 59270
      Full-time                             25148 28220 31004 33261 35768
           Craft Level Courses③④ 4124 3918 4226 4942 3904
          Technician Level Courses 13530 15197 15049 13716 11666
          Higher Technician/Technician Level Course 420 364 373 363 384
          Higher Technician Level Courses 7074 8741 11356 14240 19814
      Part-time                             31491 30010 28710 26433 23502
           Craft Level Courses 8835 8073 6030 5079 4084
          Technician Level Courses 12941 10893 10623 10755 10074
          Higher Technician Level Courses 9715 11044 12057 10599 9344
  Approved Post-secondary Colleges     (full-time)      2707 4180 4011 4043 3883
  Other Colleges            
      Day Course                           4193 2513 2646 2977 2733
      Evening Course                       1065 979 1049 976
  UGC-funded Institution 78295 81664 85602 90355 93776
      Full-time                             59408 64198 68624 73833
          Sub-degree 10284 13830 16668 20034 25859
          Undergraduate                        44241 44796 45669 46602 47489
          Taught Postgraduate 1593 1925 2446 2574 1930
          Research Postgraduate                   3290 3647 3841 4623 4555
      Part-time                             18887 17466 16978 16522 13943
          Sub-degree 5188 4537 4372 4293 3697
          Undergraduate                        3365 3258 3501 3527 3409
          Taught Postgraduate 9662 9034 8501 8100 6159
          Research Postgraduate          672 637 604 602 678
  The Hong Kong Academy for  
    Performing Arts  
      Full-time 712 738 743 749 756
          Non-degree 438 452 446 450 440
          Degree 274 286 297 299 316
  The Open University of Hong Kong②⑧(11) 36847 41826 39637 36550 38732
      Full-time - 116 113 249 521
      Part-time                             36847 41710 39524 36301 38211
  Construction Industry Training Authority  
      Full-time                             2169 1859 1456 1664 1236
          Craft Level Courses(12) 1823 1558 1115 1417 1063
          Technician Level Courses(13) 346 301 341 247 173
  Clothing Industry Training Authority 525 486 615 853 1191
      Full-time                             385 396 488 607 646
          Craft Level Courses 31 37 47 46 49
          Technician Level Courses 354 359 441 561 597
      Part-time                             140 90 127 246 545
          Craft Level Courses 140 90 127 246 545
  Hospital Authority(14)  
       Full-time                             - - 108 217 317
  Project Yi Jin(15) 3267 4293 4170 4529 6585
      Full-time 3267 2085 2804 2880 4363
      Part-time                             - 2208 1366 1649 2222
  Institutes Offering Adult Education  
    /Tutorial/Vocational Courses  
      Day Courses                           75241 88251 110916 94552 127767
      Evening Courses                       100259 94466 99176 106521 92633
Notes: Figures cover both full-time and part-time students attending long programmes lasting for at least one academic year, except for “institutes 
           offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses” where long and short programmes are included.
           Enrolment for school education refers to the number of pupils enrolled in the school register as at the beginning of a school year(usually in 
           September). For vocational and post-secondary education, beginning and  ending months of academic year vary among and training institutions.
           Figures refer to students of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Training and Development Centres, and Continuing 
               Professional Development Centre.  Students attending full-time self-financing post-secondary programmes run by the Vocational Training
               Council School of Business and Information Systems are also included since the school started to admit students in September 2001.
           Figures do not include students attending programmes of the Project Yi Jin.
           Craft level courses are post-secondary 3 courses. 
           Figures also include operative level courses of Training and Development Centres.
           Higher technician and technician level courses are post-secondary 5 courses but higher technician level courses are more advanced courses.
           Higher technician/technician level courses are post-secondary 5 courses with common first year curricula.
           Figures before 2001 refer to all students of UGC-funded programmes, except for research postgraduate (RPg) programmes of which only 
               students counted within the formal time limit and within the  UGC student number target are included.  Figures from 2001 onwards also   
               include students attending full-time accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes.  Figures from 2003 onwards also include RPg 
               students counted within the formal time limit and outside the UGC student number target but wholly funded by UGC.
           Starting from 2001, figures also include students attending full-time accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes.
           Figures before 2003 refer to RPg students counted within the formal time limit and within the UGC student number target. Figures from 2003
               onwards include also RPg students counted within the formal time limit and outside the UGC student number target but wholly funded by 
          Figures include students in certificate, advanced certificate, professional certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and professional diploma
          (11)Figures for Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education are also included.
          (12)Figures refer to students of basic craft courses.  (13)Figures refer to students of construction supervisor/technician trainee training courses.
          (14)Figures refer to nurse training programmes and are available only since 2002.
          (15)Project Yi Jin was launched in October 2000.                     ^  Provisional figure.