24-42  Money Supply
      (HKD 100 million, as at end of year)
Item 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  Legal Tender Notes and Coins in Circulation                                                  
      Commercial Bank Issues                   992.65 1075.45 1184.75 1342.15 1467.75
      Government Issues                        61.70 59.43 61.43 65.50 66.04
      Total                                    1054.35 1134.88 1246.18 1407.65 1533.79
  Authorized Institutions' Holdings of                
     Legal Tender Notes and Coins              136.74 118.61 113.84 128.98 125.76
  Legal Tender Notes and Coins in Hands of            
     Public                                    917.61 1016.27 1132.34 1278.67 1408.03
  Money Supply: Adjusted for Foreign                  
     Currency Swap Deposits                             
        Money Supply M1                         
              Hong Kong Dollar                         2039.66 2298.41 2594.11 3547.52 4126.29
              Foreign Currency                         398.81 282.15 362.39 586.71 718.65
              Total                                    2438.47 2580.56 2956.50 4134.23 4844.94
        Money Supply M2                         
              Hong Kong Dollar                       19879.63 19987.74 19840.49 21072.69 22085.91
              Foreign Currency                       16615.29 15512.86 15342.77 17061.73 19581.16
              Total                                    36494.92 35500.60 35183.26 38134.42 41667.06
        Money Supply M3                         
              Hong Kong Dollar                       20023.58 20166.35 20042.25 21228.61 22195.57
              Foreign Currency                       16903.94 15774.95 15576.27 17351.83 19699.87
              Total                                    36927.53 35941.30 35618.52 38580.44 41895.44
  Money Supply: Unadjusted for Foreign                
     Currency Swap Deposits                             
        Money Supply M2                         
              Hong Kong Dollar                         19836.37 19961.38 19821.42 21058.60 22075.17
              Foreign Currency                         16658.56 15539.23 15361.84 17075.82 19591.89
              Total                                    36494.92 35500.60 35183.26 38134.42 41667.06
        Money Supply M3                         
              Hong Kong Dollar                         19980.32 20139.98 20023.18 21214.52 22184.83
              Foreign Currency                         16947.21 15801.32 15595.34 17365.92 19710.61
              Total                                    36927.53 35941.30 35618.52 38580.44 41895.44
Notes : Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as stated in "The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special
            Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China". Foreign currency refers to any currency other than the Hong Kong currency.
            Accordingly Chinese Renminbi is also treated as foreign currency.        
         ①Figures are adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.      
         ②Figures are adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits.