24-32  Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
          (HKD 100 million)
Major Investor  Inward Direct Investment at Market Value
Country/Territory Position at End of Year Inflow in Year
  2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003
British Virgin Islands 9436 7794 9352 747 594 198
The Mainland of China 9581 5946 7701 385 317 380
Netherlands 1999 2049 2561 -23 103 247
Bermuda 3157 2732 2548 99 21 -136
United States of America 1937 1866 1876 118 -110 220
Japan 1166 1414 1422 85 153 142
Singapore 888 735 580 114 64 -99
Cayman Islands 1195 449 531 109 -687 29
United Kingdom 454 558 481 72 86 45
Panama 302 258 270 17 -10 16
Others 2582 2424 2281 133 224 22
Total 32697 26223 29604 1854 755 1063
Note : Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy.  It does not necessarily reflect the country/territory in which the funds are
              initially mobilised.