24-21  Number of Permanent Quarters by Type (as at End March of the Year)
        (10 000 units)
Year Total Public Rental Housing Subsidized Sale Flats Private Housing
2000 213.52 69.11 32.47 111.93
2001 223.66 68.52 38.09 117.06
2002 229.50 68.58 37.17 123.75
2003 236.05 68.53 39.66 127.86
2004 239.26 69.15 39.32 130.78
Notes: The coverage of the permanent quarters excludes quarters in hotels and institutions.  
           Figures exclude quarters sold under the Housing Authority Tenants Purchase Scheme.  
           Figures also cover quarters sold under the Housing Authority Tenants Purchase Scheme which were previously included
               under public rental housing in 1999 and before. As from 2002, figures exclude subsidized sale flats that can be traded in open market.
           As from 2002, figures include flats under subsidized sale flats that can be traded in open market.