24-13 Gross Domestic
Product by Expenditure Component |
(HKD 100 million) |
GDP Components |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003@ |
2004@ |
At Current Market Prices |
Private Consumption Expenditure ① |
7601.68 |
7651.05 |
7287.19 |
6988.86 |
7452.56 |
Government Consumption Expenditure |
1201.48 |
1288.46 |
1312.79 |
1301.38 |
1272.06 |
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation |
3473.75 |
3330.36 |
2860.20 |
2613.69 |
2789.46 |
Changes in Inventories |
143.99 |
-40.60 |
56.60 |
91.11 |
55.48 |
Exports of Goods(f.o.b.) |
15726.89 |
14809.87 |
15621.21 |
17490.89 |
20270.31 |
Less: Imports of Goods(f.o.b.) |
16367.11 |
15492.22 |
16015.27 |
17940.59 |
20995.45 |
Exports of Services① |
3018.13 |
3076.57 |
3353.62 |
3551.75 |
4172.67 |
Less: Imports of Services |
1915.43 |
1924.53 |
1996.76 |
2018.06 |
2322.28 |
12883.38 |
12698.96 |
12479.58 |
12079.03 |
12694.81 |
Per Capita
193299 |
188835 |
183875 |
177552 |
184448 |
Volume Indices (2000=100) |
Private Consumption Expenditure ① |
100.0 |
102.0 |
100.9 |
99.8 |
106.7 |
Government Consumption Expenditure |
100.0 |
106.1 |
108.7 |
110.7 |
111.5 |
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation |
100.0 |
102.6 |
98.0 |
98.9 |
102.9 |
Changes in Inventories |
100.0 |
-34.0 |
47.8 |
71.9 |
35.6 |
Exports of Goods(f.o.b.) |
100.0 |
96.7 |
105.0 |
120.0 |
138.3 |
Imports of Goods(f.o.b.) |
100.0 |
98.1 |
105.9 |
119.7 |
136.7 |
Exports of Services① |
100.0 |
106.2 |
118.7 |
128.2 |
147.5 |
Imports of Services |
100.0 |
102.0 |
105.8 |
103.7 |
114.8 |
100.0 |
100.5 |
102.4 |
105.6 |
114.2 |
Per Capita
100.0 |
99.6 |
100.6 |
103.5 |
110.6 |
Notes: ①Figures from 2002 to 2004
have been revised to incorporate the revised data on destination consumption
expenditure of incoming |
visitors and travellers released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in
March 2005. The revision is mainly due to the adoption of enhanced |
statistics on the spending of visitors from the mainland of China. |
@Figures are subject to revision later on as more data become
available. |