24-13  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component
        (HKD 100 million)
GDP Components 2000 2001 2002 2003@ 2004@
  At Current Market Prices                                   
          Private Consumption Expenditure     7601.68 7651.05 7287.19 6988.86 7452.56
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1201.48 1288.46 1312.79 1301.38 1272.06
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation  3473.75 3330.36 2860.20 2613.69 2789.46
          Changes in Inventories                  143.99 -40.60 56.60 91.11 55.48
          Exports of Goods(f.o.b.)                15726.89 14809.87 15621.21 17490.89 20270.31
           Less: Imports of Goods(f.o.b.)           16367.11 15492.22 16015.27 17940.59 20995.45
          Exports of Services                        3018.13 3076.57 3353.62 3551.75 4172.67
           Less: Imports of Services                1915.43 1924.53 1996.76 2018.06 2322.28
      GDP 12883.38 12698.96 12479.58 12079.03 12694.81
      Per Capita GDP     193299 188835 183875 177552 184448
  Volume Indices (2000=100)                
          Private Consumption Expenditure        100.0 102.0 100.9 99.8 106.7
          Government Consumption Expenditure  100.0 106.1 108.7 110.7 111.5
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation  100.0 102.6 98.0 98.9 102.9
          Changes in Inventories                  100.0 -34.0 47.8 71.9 35.6
          Exports of Goods(f.o.b.)                100.0 96.7 105.0 120.0 138.3
          Imports of Goods(f.o.b.)           100.0 98.1 105.9 119.7 136.7
          Exports of Services                     100.0 106.2 118.7 128.2 147.5
          Imports of Services                100.0 102.0 105.8 103.7 114.8
      GDP 100.0 100.5 102.4 105.6 114.2
      Per Capita GDP     100.0 99.6 100.6 103.5 110.6
Notes: Figures from 2002 to 2004 have been revised to incorporate the revised data on destination consumption expenditure of incoming
              visitors and travellers released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in March 2005. The revision is mainly due to the adoption of enhanced 
              statistics on the spending of visitors from the mainland of China.        
           @Figures are subject to revision later on as more data become available.