24-9  Employed Persons by Monthly Employment Earnings
          (10 000 persons)
Monthly employment earnings (HKD) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
< 3000 8.07 9.32 12.58 14.95 16.25
3000 - 3999 20.21 22.74 24.46 25.54 25.52
4000 - 4999 9.50 10.18 11.58 14.42 14.38
5000 - 5999 13.41 14.08 16.92 18.72 19.58
6000 - 6999 19.96 20.52 22.01 22.68 23.72
7000 - 7999 20.21 19.44 20.83 21.36 22.85
8000 - 8999 26.84 25.50 24.61 24.32 24.98
9000 - 9999 18.53 17.83 17.10 17.73 19.42
10000 - 14999 76.56 74.54 66.60 60.59 60.24
15000 - 19999 35.53 36.05 34.31 32.27 32.56
20000 - 29999 36.63 38.07 36.01 34.43 33.97
  35.26 36.98 36.16 34.90 35.30
Total 320.73 325.23 323.16 321.91 328.76
Median monthly          
   Employment Earnings (HKD) 10000 10000 10000 10000 9500
Note: Figures are compiled based on the data obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quarters of the year.