23-43  Basic Information of People with Disabilities  
Item 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
    Sight-restoring Cataract Surgery  
        Sight-restoring Cataract Surgeries (10 000 Cases)    48.1 49.1 51.3 57.4 56.9
        Artificial Intra-ocular Lens Implantation Rate        (%)   71.3 78.3 83.0 88.0 88.4
    Vision-aids Provided for Individuals with Low-vision   21701 26476 28231 30932 32791
    Rehabilitation of Children with Hearing Disability  
        Hearing and Speech Training (persons)    16904 17934 18771 18465 19620
        Enrollment Rate of Trained Children to Ordinary   19.4 22.5 23.6 24.5 26.8
          Kindergartens and Primary Schools                      (%)  
        Parents Trained (persons)    13568 18550 21155 20716 22276
    Prevention and Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases  
        Counties Carried on the Works of Prevention and   243 551 549 582 701
           Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases (units)   
        Prevention and Treatment Provided for  Patients   122.6 133.2 207.3 242.6 256.8
          with Severe Psychiatric Diseases (10 000 persons)   
        Guardianship Rate (%)    93.0 91.3 86.7 90.2 92.3
        Significant Improvement Rate (%)    71.6 73.6 69.5 71.1 72.8
        Social Involvement Rate (%)    62.7 62.6 58.7 60.6 62.0
        Violent Events Rate (%)    0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2
    Rehabilitation Training and Service (person)   
        Function Training Provided to Persons with   52538 50577 47848 44221 49332
          Physical Disability  
        Rehabilitation Training Provided to Children with   24009 26093 22642 22295 22982
          Intellectual Disability  
        Rehabilitation Training Provided to Children with   8607 10003 10539 11014
          Cerebral Palsy  
    Rehabilitation of People with Leprosy  
        Orthopaedic Surgeries (case)    1730 5814 3852 3714
        Assistant Devices Provided (unit)    5827 30100 35001 75025
        Rehabilitation Training (person)    5773 13970 9170 8797
    School-age Disabled Children without Schooling   39.1 35.6 32.3 30.6 27.5
  (10 000 persons)   
    Vocational Education and Training  
       Facilities (unit)    4164 3927 3871 4143 3335
       Number of Educated and Trained (10 000 persons)    65.4 48.1 45.3 49.9 57.2
    Employment of Urban Handicappeds
       Persons Employed in the Year (10 000 persons)    26.6 27.6 30.2 32.7 37.8
            Employed by Quota Scheme   7.2 7.5 7.1 8.4 8.8
            Employed at Welfare Enterprises   7.1 6.6 8.5 9.8 10.9
             Self-employed   12.3 13.4 14.6 14.5 18.1
       Unemployed   96.2 101.2 103.2 100.4 119.4
    Employment of Rural Handicapped  
       Employed (10 000 persons)    1616.1 1579.5 1717.8 1685.2 1763.2
       Unemployed (10 000 persons)    358.2 379.8 337.3 370.2 330.9
    Employment Placement Service Facilities for   3012 2991 2998 3005 3022
      Disabled Jobseekers (unit)   
        Provinces   30 30 31 33 33
        Prefectures   73 71 49 54 46
        Cities (inc. Cities at County Level)   632 646 652 636 639
        County   1550 1497 1505 1517 1515
        Districts under the Jurisdiction of Cities   727 747 761 765 789
Massage by Persons with Visual Disability  
    Massage Therapists Training (person)    8471 7511 7413 6874 8008
    Keep-fit Massager Training (person)    2364 3728 3853 4821 5864
Poverty Alleviation  
    Rural Handicappeds Overcomed Poverty by Govern-   231.6 167.8 151.4 123.3 127.9
       -ment's Poverty Reduction Program (10 000 persons)   
    Rural Handicappeds Remained in Poverty   978.9 1058.4 1022.1 1065.2 1051.8
  (10 000 persons)   
        Rural Handicappeds Remained in Poverty Can Be   682.5 657.7 634.4 673.7 677.5
Organization Building of Disabled Persons' Federation  
     Workers for Handicappeds (10 000 persons)    8.0 7.3 7.5 7.8 8.0
a) According to the calculation from the handicappeds survey in 1987, number of total handicappeds in China is about 60 million persons now.