23-34  Pensions for Retired and Resigned Persons 
by Enterprises, Institutions and State Organs
        (100 million yuan)
Total Enterprises Institutions State Organs
1990 396.2 307.1 62.6 26.4
1995 1305.6 915.6 275.6 114.1
2000 2733.3 1846.6 635.2 251.6
2001 3072.0 1988.5 768.9 313.8
2002 3659.4 2417.2 873.0 369.2
2003 4148.9 2684.6 1032.4 431.9
2004 4510.9 2867.3 1157.4 486.2
a) Figures in this table exclude medical expenditures of retired and resigned workers and staff.
b) Institutions include pensions for retirees of civil affair department and general logistic department.