23-27 Number of
Social Welfare Institutions and Enterprises and Persons Engaged |
Item |
Number of Institution |
Number of Persons |
or Enterprise
(unit) |
Engaged (person) |
2003 |
2004 |
2003 |
2004 |
National Total |
87052 |
87462 |
1882944 |
1915692 |
Adopting Social Welfare
Institutions |
37294 |
38593 |
205352 |
210085 |
Run by
Governments |
3284 |
3454 |
76328 |
79321 |
Run by
Collective Units |
32945 |
33736 |
117109 |
115134 |
Run by
Private Units |
1065 |
1403 |
11915 |
15630 |
Social Welfare Enterprises |
33976 |
32410 |
1204860 |
1524857 |
Run by
Governments |
1321 |
1119 |
80592 |
70247 |
Run by
Collective Units |
26184 |
24202 |
1181285 |
1110773 |
Run by
Private Units |
6471 |
7089 |
242983 |
343837 |
Administration Agencies for
Martyrs |
2927 |
2987 |
32470 |
32249 |
Collecting and Repatriation Units |
914 |
1026 |
17799 |
17182 |
Funeral and Interment
Institutions |
2969 |
3119 |
59658 |
66287 |
Collecting Purse Units |
1452 |
1523 |
6939 |
7208 |
Community Service Institutions |
7520 |
7804 |
55866 |
57824 |