23-23  First Trial Civil Cases of Marriages, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Settled by Courts (2004)
Cases Cases Mediation Judgement Reject With- Other
Accepted Settled       drawal  
  Total                            1161370 1160346 506602 426472 5391 211599 10282
  Marriages and Family Affairs     1144025 1142512 501510 417810 5198 207992 10002
      Divorce 976208 973428 441286 344668 4084 175330 8060
      Relieving the Relation of  23383 25238 2359 19787 171 2715 206
         Lawless Cohabitation              
      Support Disputes 38799 38817 13804 13582 158 10801 472
      Upbringing Disputes 32018 31776 16910 9397 165 5053 251
      Upringing Fee Disputes 23898 23828 9899 9280 151 4216 282
      Others                           49719 49425 17252 21096 469 9877 731
  Inheritance                      17345 17834 5092 8662 193 3607 280
      Legal Inheritance 9498 9447 2903 4319 103 1991 131
      Testament Inheritance 1042 1051 281 553 13 190 14
      Others                           6805 7336 1908 3790 77 1426 135