23-18  Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants Under Public Prosecution Approved by Procurator's Offices (2004)
Item Total of Arrests Total of Public
(case) (person) (case) (person)
  Total                                        558939 828180 612790 897974
  Sub-total of Requests by Departments of      543335 811102 586960 867186
    State and Public Security and Prisons              
      Offences Against State Security            261 426 271 467
      Offences Against Public Security           47365 54887 69509 77261
      Offences Against Socialist Economic Order  13047 20425 13203 22179
      Offences Against Citizens' Personal and    123410 160129 137883 175871
        Democratic Rights                                
      Offences Against Properties                280802 441198 286435 450745
      Offences Against Social Management of Order 78282 133771 79500 140430
      Offences Against National Defense          154 249 147 221
      Offences on Dereliction of Duty by Servicemen                                       14 17 12 12
  Sub-total of Cases Handled by Procuratorates 15604 17078 25830 30788
      Offences on Corruption and Bribery         14243 15502 22178 26131
      Offences on Abuse and Dereliction of Duty  1361 1576 3652 4657