22-32  Number of Visits and Inpatients in Medical Institutions (2004)
  Visits (100 million person-times) Inpatients (10 000 persons)
Medical Institutions Total       Total      
    Non- profit Profit   Non- profit Profit
 Total 22.03 21.32 0.63 6669 6500 143
 Hospital 13.05 12.57 0.46 4668 4524 138
     General Hospital 9.95 9.62 0.32 3797 3707 86
     Hospital Specialized in Traditional 2.02 1.99 0.03 509 500 9
       Chinese Medicine
     Specialized Hospital 0.89 0.79 0.10 315 274 40
 Sanitarium 0.03 0.02 23 23
 Health Service Center for Community   0.46 0.46 15 15
 Township Hospital 7.03 6.98 0.01 1621 1604 3
     Rural Township Hospital 6.81 6.76 0.01 1599 1583 2
 Outpatient Department  0.43 0.28 0.15 17 14 2
 MCH Center 0.86 0.85 307 304
 Specialized Disease Prevention 0.17 0.16 18 16
    & Treatment Institute