22-24  Number of Health Institutions
    Hospitals     Specialized Prevention        
Year Total and Township Sanatoriums Clinics  & Treatment CDC  (Epidemic Maternity and Research Institutions Other
  Hospitals     Centers or Stations  Prevention Station) Child Care Centers of Medical Science Institutions
1978 169732 64309 389 94395 887 2989 2571 219 3973
1980 180553 65315 470 102474 1138 3105 2745 282 5024
1985 200866 59342 640 126604 1566 3410 2996 323 5985
1989 206724 61613 651 128112 1747 3591 3112 328 7570
1990 208734 62126 650 129332 1781 3618 3148 337 7742
1991 209036 62768 642 128665 1818 3652 3187 335 7969
1992 204787 61006 639 125873 1845 3673 3187 339 8225
1993 193586 60460 600 115161 1872 3609 3115 436 8333
1994 191742 67524 587 105984 1905 3611 3190 437 8504
1995 190057 67460 582 104406 1895 3629 3179 427 8479
1996 322566 67556 528 237153 1887 3635 3172 427 8208
1997 315033 67479 506 229474 1893 3619 3180 426 8456
1998 314097 66614 503 229349 1889 3613 3191 423 8515
1999 300996 66385 503 226588 1877 3627 3180 421 8415
2000 324771 66095 471 240934 1839 3741 3163 405 8123
2001 330348 64840 461 248061 1783 3813 3132 397 8124
2002 306038 63858 365 219907 1839 3580 3067 298 13124
2003 291323 62968 305 204468 1749 3584 3033 284 14932
2004 296492 60867 292 207933 1581 3586 2997 276 18960
a) Number of health institutions exclude the private clinics before 1995.  
b) Number of hospitals before 2002 includes specialized prevention and treatment institutions, and CDC (epidemic prevention station) include health 
    prevention and care centers.
c) Number of health institutions since 2002 are the number of registeration and exclude higher and middle medical colleges, drug test institutions and 
    family planning guidance station of non-health dapartment.