22-12  Composition of Books Published in China (2004)
Category Number of Publication Printed Copies Printed Sheets
(kind) (10 000 copies) (1 000 sheets)
      Total                                       208294 641335 46558511
  Publications with "China International  206572 638399 46417879
     Standard Book Number"       
      Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought      664 1601 195295
      Philosophy                                3312 2698 333899
      General Social Sciences                   2366 1733 223361
      Politics and Law                          9412 11054 1204802
      Military Affairs                          607 446 54233
      Economics                                 16442 11638 1882263
      Culture, Science, Education and Sports    83751 495267 30167903
      Languages                                 10435 15841 2334893
      Literature                                12633 13657 1590654
      Arts                                      10067 20562 1016052
      History and Geography                     7204 24032 1589121
      General Natural Sciences                  957 3009 152343
      Mathematics and Chemistry                 4187 4390 663282
      Astronomy and Geology                     924 345 37634
      Biology                                   981 574 99174
      Medicine and Health Care                  8382 6509 1008921
      Agricultural Science                      2697 2208 185252
      Industrial Technology                     26924 18813 3178763
      Transportation                            1755 1463 180659
      Aeronautics and Aerospace                 108 36 6032
      Environmental Science                     1016 703 84045
      General Books                             1748 1820 229298
  Publications without "China International 1722 2936 72295
    Standard Book Number"