9-13  Indices of Purchasing Prices of Raw Materials, Fuels and Power
                (preceding year=100)
Year General Fuel and Ferrous Nonferrous Raw Chemical Timber and Building Agricultural Textile
Index Power Metals Metals Materials Paper Pulp Materials Products Materials
1989 126.4 124.7 130.3 127.6 124.4 111.4 122.7 128.9 128.5
1990 105.6 110.7 103.9 97.2 95.6 99.4 115.2 107.8 107.4
1991 109.1 112.9 112.5 101.2 99.8 105.6 101.2 106.8 108.9
1992 111.0 116.4 114.5 112.4 102.6 102.0 118.8 103.4 100.5
1993 135.1 136.7 174.1 115.8 114.3 128.6 140.9 112.2 107.1
1994 118.2 118.0 103.8 110.7 111.7 115.1 114.3 148.3 139.6
1995 115.3 108.7 98.2 128.3 127.2 115.8 102.6 143.1 123.6
1996 103.9 110.2 99.3 92.4 98.0 101.9 102.5 114.7 94.5
1997 101.3 109.3 97.4 96.2 97.1 100.9 99.7 102.0 94.7
1998 95.8 99.1 95.1 88.3 93.6 96.7 98.6 94.5 94.3
1999 96.7 100.9 94.7 98.9 97.6 100.4 98.8 89.8 96.8
2000 105.1 115.4 100.9 110.3 105.6 99.8 101.5 99.9 102.4
2001 99.8 100.2 100.5 95.6 98.4 100.4 98.6 101.2 99.7
2002 97.7 100.1 98.2 96.5 97.5 98.7 98.2 95.7 97.1
2003 104.8 107.4 107.9 105.3 102.9 100.3 99.7 106.7 101.4
2004 111.4 109.7 120.4 120.1 108.9 102.8 105.1 114.2 104.7