9-9  Indices of Producers' Prices for Farm Products
(preceding year=100)
Item 2002 2003 2004
  General Price Index of Farm Products 99.7 104.4 113.1
  Agriculture Products 100.0 107.4 115.9
        Cereal 95.8 102.3 128.1
           Wheat 98.1 103.0 131.2
            Rice 97.2 99.9 136.3
            Corn 91.5 104.6 116.9
        Beans 98.9 120.6 120.2
        Oil-bearing Crops 104.8 119.4 116.6
        Cotton 103.4 135.3 79.5
        Sugar 86.0 90.5 104.9
        Vegetable 95.1 110.4 105.2
        Fruit 109.9 102.0 98.6
  Forestry Products 98.3 107.0 104.6
  Animal Husbandry Products 100.2 101.8 111.1
        Pig  (gross weight) 98.0 102.9 112.8
        Cattle and Buffaloes  (gross weight) 91.4 101.7 103.9
        Sheep and Goats  (gross weight) 140.0 96.3 103.7
        Poultry  (gross weight) 106.1 101.0 111.8
        Eggs 102.8 101.1 112.6
        Milk 99.7 103.7 103.7
  Fishing Products 95.9 100.3 110.2
        Seawater Fish  104.9 104.0 109.2
        Freshwater Fish 93.1 98.7 111.5