9-3  Consumer Price Indices by Category (2004)
    (preceding year=100)
Item National Urban Rural
Indices Indices Indices
  Consumer Price Index                   103.9 103.3 104.8
  Food                                         109.9 109.1 111.5
      Grain                                      126.4 125.7 127.7
         Rice                           133.2 132.2 134.9
         Flour 124.1 122.9 125.5
      Starches and Tubers                        106.8 105.6 109.3
      Bean and Its Products                      120.5 120.8 119.9
      Oil or Fat                                 118.2 115.1 121.8
      Meal, Poultry and Their Products           117.6 117.9 117.1
      Eggs                                       120.2 120.4 119.6
      Aquatic Products                           112.7 111.9 114.7
      Vegetables                                 95.1 94.2 97.4
          Fresh Vegetables                         93.9 93.3 95.6
      Flavoring 101.5 102.0 101.0
      Carbohydrate 102.2 101.6 103.0
      Tea and Beverages 100.0 100.1 99.8
          Tea  101.1 101.4 100.5
           Beverages 99.5 99.5 99.4
      Dried and Fresh Melons and Fruits          104.0 103.8 104.5
          Fresh Fruits                             102.2 102.2 102.4
      Cake, Biscuit and Bread                                      101.6 101.9 101.0
      Milk and Its Products                      100.5 100.2 101.8
      Outward Dinner 104.1 103.8 104.6
      Other Foods and Manufacturing Services 101.2 101.1 101.4
  Tobacco, Liquor and Articles 101.2 101.2 101.3
      Tobacco  100.9 100.6 101.1
      Liquor 102.2 102.8 101.7
      Articles for Smoking and Drinking 99.3 98.8 100.7
  Clothing 98.5 98.5 98.4
      Garments 98.3 98.4 98.1
      Clothing Material 100.2 99.9 100.5
      Footgear and Hats 98.3 98.2 98.6
      Clothing Manufacturing Services 100.7 100.6 100.8
  Household Facilities, Articles and Services 98.6 98.1 99.7
      Durable Consumer Goods                       97.1 96.6 98.3
          Furniture                                  98.9 98.6 99.4
          Household Facilities                       96.1 95.7 97.3
      Interior Decorations                         99.2 99.1 99.4
      Bed Articles                                 99.3 98.6 100.5
      Daily Use Household Articles                 99.8 99.5 100.4
      Household Service and Manufacturing Upkeep             101.9 101.3 103.3
  Health Care and Personal Articles                 99.7 99.2 100.5
       Health Care 99.1 98.4 100.1
            Medical Instrument and Articles 102.3 103.3 101.6
            Traditional Chinese Medicine                 98.9 98.9 99.1
            Western Medicine                             94.9 95.3 94.1
             Health Care Appliances and Articles 98.6 99.2 96.9
             Health Care Services 105.2 103.6 106.8
       Personal Articles and Services 101.2 101.0 101.3
           Cosmetics 98.8 98.8 99.0
           Sanitation Articles 98.4 98.2 98.8
           Personal Decorations 104.5 106.1 102.7
           Personal Services 101.8 101.3 102.4
  Transportation and Communication      98.5 97.9 99.8
      Transportation 100.4 100.1 100.7
         Transportation Facility 96.5 95.1 97.8
         Fuels and Parts 107.7 108.1 107.1
         Using and Upkeep Fare  101.0 101.2 100.7
         Incity Traffic Fare 101.0 101.1 100.5
         Intercity Traffic Fare 102.5 101.6 103.4
      Communication                            96.8 96.2 98.4
         Communication Facility 84.3 82.0 89.9
         Communication Service 99.8 99.5 100.7
  Recreation, Education and Culture Articles     101.3 100.8 102.1
      Durable Consumer Goods for Cultural and 93.3 92.6 94.8
        Recreational Use and Services
      Education 103.4 103.1 103.8
         Teaching Materials and Reference Books       102.8 102.5 103.4
         Tuition and Child Care 103.4 103.2 103.8
      Cultural and Recreational Articles           101.1 101.3 100.2
         Cultural Articles         99.4 99.4 99.3
         Newspapers and Magazines                   100.6 100.5 100.7
         Expenditure of Culture and Recreation 103.2 103.5 101.7
      Touring and Outgoing 100.6 100.8 100.5
  Residence                                      104.9 104.3 105.8
      Building and Building Decoration Materials                         104.3 103.2 104.8
      Rent                                       103.0 103.1 102.6
      Private Housing 100.9 100.9 101.1
      Water, Electricity and Fuels                 107.5 106.7 109.1