8-17  Extra-budgetary Expenditure by Item
              (100 million yuan)
Year Total Capital Special Operating and Urban Expenditure Other
  Construction Expenditure Administrative Maintenance by Township Expenses
      Expenses Expenses Governments  
1996 3838.32 1490.23 307.27 1254.36   136.39 650.07
1997 2685.54 502.03 311.59 1280.19   288.69 303.04
1998 2918.31 393.98 423.60 1588.28   335.26 177.19
1999 3139.14 539.82   1816.13 127.45 350.34 305.40
2000 3529.01 426.20   2225.09 146.38 387.39 343.96
2001 3850.00 350.00   2500.00 150.00 400.00 450.00
2002 3831.00 260.00   2655.00 160.00 268.00 488.00
2003 4156.36 269.86   2836.55 202.62 283.11 564.22
a) Because adjustment on the coverage of extra-budgetary expenditures in 1998 has made, the figures are not comparable with the previous years.   
    Since 1997, the extra-budgetary expenditures do not include the intra-budgetary government fund (fee), the figures are not comparable with the   
    previous years.