8-7  Government Expenditure for Science and Research
          (100 million yuan)
  Total Expense on Expenditure Expenses on Capital Other S&T
Year   S&T Promotion  for Sciences Construction of Operating
         S&T Institutes Expenses
1978 52.89 25.47 15.46 6.66 5.30
1980 64.59 27.57 19.63 11.27 6.12
1985 102.59 44.35 32.00 18.83 7.41
1989 127.87 59.13 38.45 17.91 12.38
1990 139.12 63.48 44.44 17.47 13.73
1991 160.69 73.32 54.15 18.40 14.82
1992 189.26 89.41 57.16 24.55 18.14
1993 225.61 106.56 65.59 33.95 19.51
1994 268.25 114.22 87.90 36.06 30.07
1995 302.36 136.02 96.86 38.00 31.48
1996 348.63 155.01 109.66 48.55 35.41
1997 408.86 189.97 127.12 42.74 49.03
1998 438.60 189.90 151.92 47.28 49.50
1999 543.85 272.80 168.06 52.89 50.10
2000 575.62 277.22 189.03 61.52 47.85
2001 703.26 359.64 223.08 63.37 57.17
2002 816.22 398.60 269.85 69.99 77.78
2003 975.54 416.64 300.79 111.06 147.05
2004 1168.61 483.98 335.93 169.17 179.53