8-3  Tax
            (100 million yuan)
Year Total Value-added Business Consumption Tariffs Agricultural and Company 
    Tax Tax Tax    Related Tax Income Tax
1978 519.28       28.76 28.40  
1980 571.70       33.53 27.67  
1985 2040.79 147.70 211.07   205.21 42.05 696.06
1989 2727.40 430.83 487.30   181.54 84.94 700.43
1990 2821.86 400.00 515.75   159.01 87.86 716.00
1991 2990.17 406.36 564.00   187.28 90.65 731.13
1992 3296.91 705.93 658.67   212.75 119.17 720.78
1993 4255.30 1081.48 966.09   256.47 125.74 678.60
1994 5126.88 2308.34 670.02 487.40 272.68 231.49 708.49
1995 6038.04 2602.33 865.56 541.48 291.83 278.09 878.44
1996 6909.82 2962.81 1052.57 620.23 301.84 369.46 968.48
1997 8234.04 3283.92 1324.27 678.70 319.49 397.48 963.18
1998 9262.80 3628.46 1575.08 814.93 313.04 398.80 925.54
1999 10682.58 3881.87 1668.56 820.66 562.23 423.50 811.41
2000 12581.51 4553.17 1868.78 858.29 750.48 465.31 999.63
2001 15301.38 5357.13 2064.09 929.99 840.52 481.70 2630.87
2002 17636.45 6178.39 2450.33 1046.32 704.27 717.85 3082.79
2003 20017.31 7236.54 2844.45 1182.26 923.13 871.77 2919.51
2004 24165.68 9017.94 3581.97 1501.90 1043.77 902.19 3957.33
a) The agricultural and retail taxes include the agricultural tax, the animal husbandry tax, the tax on the use of cultivated land, the tax on special 
    agricultural products and the contract tax. 
b) Before 2001, the company income tax only included state-owned and collective-owned enterprises income tax. Since 2001, the company income 
    tax also includes the income tax levied on other enterprises except for state-owned and collective-owned enterprises, the figures are not comparable 
    with the previous years.
c) Value-added tax excludes value-added tax on import. Consumption tax excludes  consumption tax on imports.