6-30  Main Indicators of Real Estate Development
Item 2001 2002 2003 2004
 Land Development and Purchase (10 000 sq.m)           
    Land Space Developed This Year   15315.8 19416.0 22166.3 19740.2
    Land Space Purchased This Year   23409.0 31356.8 35696.5 39784.7
 Investment Completed This Year (100 million yuan)    6344.1 7790.9 10153.8 13158.3
    Residential Buildings   4216.7 5227.8 6776.7 8837.0
        Economically Affordable Housing   599.7 589.0 622.0 606.4
 Source of Funds (100 million yuan)    7696.4 9750.0 13196.9 17168.8
    Domestic Loans   1692.2 2220.3 3138.3 3158.4
    Foreign Investment   135.7 157.2 170.0 228.2
    Self-raising Fund   2184.0 2738.5 3770.7 5207.6
 Floor Space of Buildings (10 000 sq.m)           
     Floor Space under Construction   79411.7 94104.0 117526.0 140451.4
     Floor Space Completed   29867.4 34975.8 41464.1 42464.9
     Floor Space Started This Year   37394.2 42800.5 54707.5 60413.9
         Residential Buildings   30532.7 34719.3 43853.9 47949.0
            Economically Affordable Housing   5796.0 5279.7 5330.6 4257.5
 Sales Value of Buildings (100 million yuan)    4862.8 6032.3 7955.7 10375.7
     Residential Buildings   4021.2 4957.9 6543.4 8619.4
        Economically Affordable Housing   4986.8 5136.9 5547.6 5028.2
 Floor Space of Buildings Sold (10 000 sq.m)    22411.9 26808.3 33717.6 38231.6
     Residential Buildings   19938.7 23702.3 29778.8 33819.9
        Economically Affordable Housing   4021.5 4003.6 4018.9 3261.8
  Selling Price of House (yuan/sq.m)    2170 2250 2359 2714
     Residential Buildings   2017 2092 2197 2549
        Economically Affordable Housing   1240 1283 1380 1542
a) Data in this table are preliminary statistics. The same as in the following table.