5-31  Average Wage of Staff and Workers in Other Ownership Units by Sector
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Others
    Forestry, Quarrying   and Supply of   Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research  
Year Total Animal     Electricity   and Water Post & Trade Insurance     Sports & Arts, Radio, and  
    Husbandry     Gas and   Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic  
    and Fishery     Water     nication Services       Welfare Television Services  
1985 1436 1519 1270 1328 1270 1000   2429 1955 2107   1904   3184 1728  
1989 2707 2938 2427 2889 3232 5000   3846 2882 4376 1776 3202 2945 3604 3241  
1990 2987 3778 2270 3055 3088 3571 5714 3667 3284 5565 2517 3463 5430 4022 3425  
1991 3468 3760 3855 3626 3333 4641 4615 5500 3585 6041 4923 4004 4817 4560 3906  
1992 3966 4069 3579 4154 4238 5061 5263 5955 4368 9761 5561 4545 5461 5107 5033  
1993 4966 3905 3423 4874 6309 4464 7441 6450 4975 6073 4940 5934 3665 5289 5645 4953
1994 6303 5394 4233 6096 8005 5766 4362 8713 6460 10400 9610 8013 7051 8360 7882 9691
1995 7463 6992 5174 7245 10746 6798 5408 10492 7190 12949 10746 9274 8668 8968 9678 10502
1996 8261 7389 5217 7945 12030 6937 6464 11931 7862 15818 11801 10820 11014 10172 13358 13508
1997 8789 7061 5385 8367 12127 7517 5770 13734 8051 17970 13249 11812 11863 10017 14370 16423
1998 8972 5685 6749 8556 12158 8983 6909 11858 8320 16255 13636 12027 15124 11687 14847 20393
1999 9829 6740 7651 9316 13856 9540 8439 14241 9001 18648 14693 12785 16618 12871 15671 20548
2000 10984 8519 9842 10192 15486 10391 13064 16173 10250 21538 15485 14544 17883 12027 20299 26677
2001 12140 8473 11246 11074 17256 11139 11892 18737 11584 25662 16621 16142 17045 15951 19506 28156
2002 13212 9553 12870 12027 19271 11358 18553 20864 12202 27788 17630 18518 14548 17008 21017 27741