5-22  Total Wages Bill of Staff and Workers by Sector
                            (100 million yuan)
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Government Others
    Forestry, Quarrying   and Supply of   Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research Agencies,  
Year Total Animal     Electricity   and Water Post & Trade Insurance     Sports & Arts, Radio, and Party  
    Husbandry     Gas and   Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic Agencies  
    and Fishery     Water     nication Services       Welfare Television Services and  Social  
                Services               Organizations  
1978 568.9 39.0 44.1 214.8 9.1 43.6 12.6 46.4 59.4 3.6 1.8 9.2 13.7 38.6 5.9 27.0  
1980 772.4 48.9 58.4 289.7 11.9 59.7 16.7 58.8 83.0 5.9 2.8 14.5 19.9 55.6 8.7 37.9  
1985 1383.0 68.7 103.4 504.0 17.1 120.0 27.7 103.0 149.7 13.8 4.1 29.3 37.7 109.3 16.3 78.7  
1989 2618.5 109.1 199.0 983.8 40.0 196.2 44.3 192.0 275.3 33.3 8.3 62.0 73.8 207.3 30.8 163.3  
1990 2951.1 120.3 234.3 1089.3 49.4 211.5 48.8 214.6 308.2 39.7 9.7 72.7 85.1 238.6 36.0 192.9  
1991 3323.9 128.0 262.9 1230.2 57.7 244.5 53.6 243.3 346.8 45.5 11.7 86.8 95.3 260.7 39.5 217.5  
1992 3939.2 139.6 289.3 1443.0 70.9 300.2 64.6 286.0 400.0 60.6 15.8 107.5 116.5 323.9 49.1 272.3  
1993 4916.2 143.0 337.7 1796.3 96.5 433.4 53.5 346.4 468.7 85.1 26.9 147.1 139.5 389.7 63.4 357.7 18.3
1994 6656.4 191.5 417.0 2292.3 146.5 527.1 75.9 470.9 637.0 170.1 44.1 220.2 216.8 607.4 106.8 500.2 32.3
1995 8100.0 230.1 516.2 2760.4 197.0 609.8 79.8 565.6 758.1 197.9 54.9 264.3 253.8 690.8 121.4 559.5 40.4
1996 9080.0 246.4 565.2 2939.5 234.8 647.5 83.9 645.7 823.0 240.4 66.3 305.5 303.2 812.2 141.9 672.1 67.6
1997 9405.3 262.8 574.3 2993.4 268.8 673.3 91.7 702.8 848.5 288.0 75.1 357.4 348.1 931.1 161.9 744.0 84.1
1998 9296.5 249.9 513.9 2724.3 293.4 635.0 92.2 693.5 746.6 319.6 89.7 374.3 395.3 1070.5 172.6 835.4 90.3
1999 9875.5 252.9 494.9 2758.9 324.1 633.4 97.5 753.0 722.3 359.3 103.0 418.8 453.5 1244.9 192.4 971.0 95.5
2000 10656.2 260.1 496.0 2882.6 361.2 669.6 107.5 820.4 718.9 399.7 116.5 472.8 517.0 1410.3 224.5 1090.4 108.7
2001 11830.9 268.2 528.2 2990.6 414.2 713.4 114.6 897.9 703.0 476.9 136.1 548.4 618.5 1718.1 253.9 1317.7 131.0
2002 13161.1 278.1 593.2 3219.0 467.4 790.3 117.5 990.1 703.9 550.4 164.8 646.6 706.2 2002.2 289.5 1474.0 167.8