3-13  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
Data in value terms in this table are calculated at current prices.
Year Gross Domestic       Capital Final
Product by Final Gross Net Exports Formation Consumption
Expenditure Approach Consumption Capital of Goods and Rate Rate
(100 million yuan) Expenditures Formation Services (%) (%)
1978 3605.6 2239.1 1377.9 -11.4 38.2 62.1
1979 4074.0 2619.4 1474.2 -19.6 36.2 64.3
1980 4551.3 2976.1 1590.0 -14.8 34.9 65.4
1981 4901.4 3309.1 1581.0 11.3 32.3 67.5
1982 5489.2 3637.9 1760.2 91.1 32.1 66.3
1983 6076.3 4020.5 2005.0 50.8 33.0 66.2
1984 7164.4 4694.5 2468.6 1.3 34.5 65.5
1985 8792.1 5773.0 3386.0 -366.9 38.5 65.7
1986 10132.8 6542.0 3846.0 -255.2 38.0 64.6
1987 11784.7 7451.2 4322.0 11.5 36.7 63.2
1988 14704.0 9360.1 5495.0 -151.1 37.4 63.7
1989 16466.0 10556.5 6095.0 -185.5 37.0 64.1
1990 18319.5 11365.2 6444.0 510.3 35.2 62.0
1991 21280.4 13145.9 7517.0 617.5 35.3 61.8
1992 25863.7 15952.1 9636.0 275.6 37.3 61.7
1993 34500.7 20182.1 14998.0 -679.4 43.5 58.5
1994 46690.7 26796.0 19260.6 634.1 41.3 57.4
1995 58510.5 33635.0 23877.0 998.5 40.8 57.5
1996 68330.4 40003.9 26867.2 1459.3 39.3 58.5
1997 74894.2 43579.4 28457.6 2857.2 38.0 58.2
1998 79003.3 46405.9 29545.9 3051.5 37.4 58.7
1999 82673.1 49722.7 30701.6 2248.8 37.1 60.1
2000 89340.9 54600.9 32499.8 2240.2 36.4 61.1
2001 98592.9 58927.4 37460.8 2204.7 38.0 59.8
2002 107897.6 62798.5 42304.9 2794.2 39.2 58.2
2003 121730.3 67493.5 51554.7 2682.1 42.4 55.4
2004 142394.2 75439.7 62875.3 4079.2 44.2 53.0
a)The gross domestic production by expenditure approach is not equal to gross domestic product due to statistical discrepancies.