3-8  Contributing Rate of the Three Industries 
Data in this table are calculated at comparable prices.
Year Gross Domestic  Primary  Secondary   Tertiary
Product Industry Industry Industry Industry
1990 100.0 41.9 41.0 39.7 17.1
1991 100.0 7.1 62.8 58.0 30.1
1992 100.0 8.4 64.5 57.6 27.2
1993 100.0 8.1 67.7 61.1 24.2
1994 100.0 6.8 70.5 65.0 22.7
1995 100.0 9.4 67.4 61.3 23.2
1996 100.0 10.0 66.4 61.7 23.6
1997 100.0 7.1 63.8 62.2 29.1
1998 100.0 7.7 62.3 56.7 30.0
1999 100.0 6.5 62.9 59.9 30.7
2000 100.0 4.8 66.0 62.6 29.2
2001 100.0 6.1 56.5 50.5 37.4
2002 100.0 5.4 59.6 52.7 35.0
2003 100.0 3.9 68.4 60.1 27.7
2004 100.0 9.2 61.8 56.0 29.0
a) Industrial contributing rate refers to the proportion of the increment of every industrial value 
added to the increment of GDP.