2-5  Indicators on Proportions and Efficiency in National 
Economicand Social Development
Item 1978 1989 1997 2004
Population and Employment        
      Birth Rate                                             (‰) 18.25 21.58 16.57 12.29
      Death Rate                                           (‰) 6.25 6.54 6.51 6.42
      Natural Growth Rate                            (‰) 12.00 15.04 10.06 5.87
      Dependency Ratio 1.40 1.04 0.77 0.73
      Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas  (%) 5.3 2.6 3.1 4.2
  Macro Economy        
  National Accounting        
      Overall Labor Productivity    (yuan/person) 911 3084 10732 18295
          Primary Industry 354 1292 4080 5784
          Secondary Industry 2752 6033 22731 43875
          Tertiary Industry 1863 5387 12667 19509
      Per Capita GDP                                (yuan) 379 1512 6054 10561
  Investment in Fixed Assets        
      Proportion of Investment in fixed Assets to        
        GDP                                                       (%)   26.1 33.5 51.5
      Rate of Total Floor Space of Buildings   77.9 72.0 55.0
        Completed in Construction                    (%)        
  Government Finance        
  Proportion of Government Revenue to GDP (%) 31.2 15.8 11.6 19.3
  Proportion of Government Expenditures to GDP (%) 31.0 16.7 12.4 20.8
  Proportion of Extra-budgetary Receipt to        
    Government Revenue                               (%) 30.7 99.8 32.7 21.0
 Foreign Debts        
     Debt Service Ratio                                  (%)   8.3 7.3 3.2
     Liability Ratio                                         (%)   9.2 14.5 13.9
     Foreign Debt Ratio                                  (%)   86.4 63.2 34.9
  Utilization of Foreign Capital        
      Proportion of Actually Foreign Direct         
       Investment for Foreign Direct Investment (%)   60.6 88.7 94.6
      Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production   1.48   1.62
      Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption   1.02   1.60
      Energy Consumption per 10 000 yuan GDP (ton) 15.8 5.7 1.9 1.4
      Output of Farm Corps Per Agricultural Laborer (kg)        
          Grain   1276 1528 1518
          Cotton   11.9 14.2 20.4
          Oil-bearing Crops   40.5 66.7 99.1
          Pork, Beef and Mutton     131.4 186.8
          Aquatic Products   36.0 111.3 158.5
      Output of Farm Crops per Hectare of Sown Area (kg)        
          Grain 2527 3632 4377 4620
          Cotton 445 728 1025 1111
          Oil-bearing Crops 839 1233 1743 2125
      Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value (%)     7.12 12.26
      Assets-Liability  Ratio                               (%)     63.74 59.17
      Ratio of Profits to Industrial Cost              (%)     2.35 6.52
      Number of Times of Annual of Turnover     1.41 2.16
        Circulating Funds                       (times/year)        
      Value of Machinery per Laborer(yuan/person)   2341 4729  
      Ratio of Per-tax Profits to Gross Output Value  (%)   5.8 4.2  
      Overall Labor Productivity       (yuan/person)     12089 20817
  (in terms of value-added per employee)        
      Elasticity of Passenger Traffic     0.74 1.19
      Elasticity of Freight Traffic   0.15   0.98
      Railway Density                (km/10000 sq.km) 54 59 69 78
      Highway Density               (km/10000 sq.km) 927 1057 1278 1949
      Railway Freight Traffic Density        (ton/km) 21300 26624 26063 33470
      Highway Freight Traffic Density       (ton/km) 957 7234 7963 6654
      Cargo Handled at Seaports per Berth (10 000 tons)        
    55 68 101
  Post and Communications        
      Elasticity of Postal and Telecommunications Services   4.88 3.65 4.04
      Access to Telephones        
         (include mobile phone)        (set/100 persons)     8.1 50.0
      Access to Mobile Phones        (set/100 persons)     1.1 25.9
  Domestic Trade        
      Per Capita Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (yuan) 163 724 2219 4163
  Foreign Trade        
      Proportion of Total Value of Imports & Exports to        
        GDP                                                           (%) 9.8 24.6 36.2 69.8
  International Tourism        
      Expenditure per International Tourist in   76 210 236
        China                                                      (USD)        
  Financial Intermediation        
      Bank Deposits as Percentage of GDP           (%)      
  31.3 63.8 110.6 176.4
      Bank Loans as Percentage of GDP               (%)      
  51.0 84.9 100.6 130.2
      Proportion of Cash Outlay to Cash Receipt        
        in Bank                                                       (%) 101.2 101.4 101.0 100.3
  Education, Science and Technology and Culture        
      Rate of School-age Children Enrollment           (%) 95.5 97.4 98.9 98.9
      Rate of Graduates of Primary Schools 87.7 71.5 93.7 98.1
        Entering Junior Secondary Schools                  (%) 51.5 62.9
      Rate of Graduates of Junior Secondary 40.9 38.3 48.6 82.5
        Schools Entering Senior Secondary Schools    (%)        
      Student-teacher Ratio (in percentage)                (%)        
          Colleges and Universities 4.2 5.2 7.8 15.5
          Secondary Schools 20.2 14.8 16.7 18.8
          Primary Schools 28.0 22.3 24.2 20.0
  Science and Technology        
      R&D Expenditures as Percentage of GDP         (%)        
      0.65 1.44
      Number of Troupes per Million Persons        (unit) 3.27 2.53 2.15 1.98
      Number of Public Libraries per Million Persons(unit) 1.27 2.23 2.13 2.09
      Number of Museums per Million Persons     (unit) 0.36 0.86 1.04 1.19
  Family, People's Livelihood and Environment        
      Dependency Ratio of Children                        (%) 54.63 41.53 39.58 30.32
      Dependency Ratio of the Aged                        (%) 7.97 8.40 9.23 10.72
  Marriages and Divorces        
    1.3 1.9 2.5
  People's Livelihood        
      Proportion of Growth Rate of Annual Income of   0.40 0.63 0.93
        Urban Residents to the  Growth Rate of Annual        
        Net Income of Rural Residents            (1978=100)        
      Pensions for Retired Veterans, Retired and Resigned    12.2 19.0 26.7
        Persons as Percentage of Total Wages            (%)        
      Proportion of the Number of Workers Who Have   16.0 22.8 44.2
        Retired or Resigned to the Number of        
        Employed Ones                                               (%)        
  Health Care        
      Number of Doctors per 10 000 Persons       (person) 10.8 15.6 16.5 15.0
      Number of Hospital Beds per 10 000 Persons  (unit) 19.3 22.8 23.5 24.0
      Utilization Rate of Beds in Health Institution     (%)   81.7 61.7 61.3
  City Construction        
      Percentage of Households with Access to Tap Water (%)   47.4 61.2 88.9
      Percentage of Households with Access to Tap Gas  (%)   17.8 40.0 81.5
       Per Capita Public Green Areas                        (sq.m)   1.7 2.9 7.4
  Environment and Disasters        
      Average Loss of per Fire Disaster                    (yuan)     10988 6616
      Average Loss of per Traffic Accident              (yuan)     6069 4618
      Average Direct Loss per Pollution Accident    (yuan)     41998 252366
a) Data on proportion of extra-budgetary receipt to government revenue in 2004 are the data in 2003.    
b) Economic efficiency of industry in 1997 were the data in 1998.        
c) Figures of dependency ratio of children and the aged in 1978, 1989 and 1997 were the 1982's, 1990's and 1995's data.