1-3  Natural Resources
Item 2003
  Land Resources                                              (10 000 hectares)
      Area of Cultivated Land                                   13004
      Area of Undeveloped Land                                  10800
            Useable for Agricultural Production                     3535
      Area of Afforested Land                                 26329
            Undeveloped Land Usable for Afforestation               5393
      Area of Grassland                                                 40000
            Utilizable Area                                            31333
  Forest Resources                                           
      Total Standing Stock Volume                        (100 million cu.m) 124.9
      Forest Area                                                     (10 000 hectares) 15894
      Stock Volume of the Forest                           (100 million cu.m) 112.7
      Forest-coverage Rate                                                            (%) 16.55
  Water Resources                                            
          Total Water Resources Volume                 (100 million cu.m) 28124
              Surface Water Volume                                     27115
                  Melt-Water Volume of Glaciers                       563
              Ground Water Volume                           8288
          Hydropower Resources                                  (100 million kw) 6.76
              Developable Resources                                 3.79
          Inland Water Area                                       (10 000 hectares) 1747
              Cultivatable Area                                     675
                  Cultivated Area                                     467
          Theoretical Sea-energy Reserves                   (100 million kw) 6.3
          Coastal Area                                                    (10 000 sq.km) 28
          Sea-beach Area                                                (10 000 sq.km) 2.08
          Cultivatable Area in Marine Areas                (10 000 hectares) 260.01
                Cultivated Area                                       (10 000 hectares) 109.49
          Cultivable Area in Shallow Sea and Sea-beaches          242
                                                                              (10 000 hectares)
                Cultivated Area                                      (10 000 hectares) 89.37
a) Figures on land resources in the table were obtained from surveys in previous years. The figures are subject to further verification. Figures on area of 
     cultivated land were taken from the 1996's agricultural census. The area of grassland was the figure of 1991's survey. Figures on area of afforested
      land and forest resources were taken from the Third Forest Census (1994-1998). Water Resources were the  estimated figures in 1985.
b) Total amount of water resources is equal to surface water plus ground water and minus the repeat-calculated part between them.