Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
The Population Coverage Rate of Radio/Television refers to the percentage of the whole country’s
population who can receive radio/television programmes transmitted by national,
provincial, municipal or county stations through wireless, cable or satellite
techniques, according to Statistical
Standard and Method on Television and Radio Coverage of Population
established by the former State Administration of Broadcasting, Film and
Arts Performance Troupes refer to the various professional performing arts
groups, which sponsored by the cultural sectors or guided by the cultural
society (approved by the cultural administration authority, or registered and
permitted with the relative certificate), including non-governmental troupes.
The mass amateur arts performance troupes are not included.
Arts Performance
Places refer to the various sites
for cultural activities, which sponsored by the cultural sectors or guided by
the cultural society (approved by the cultural market administration, or
registered and permitted with the relative certificate), with the facility of
auditorium, stage and lighting, and selling tickets in public.
Cultural Market
Operating Units refer to the units dealing in
culture and cultural services, which registered and permitted with the relative
certificate by cultural market administration.
National Comprehensive Archives refer to all archives
institutions, which are directly managed by the central and local levels
archives administration, collecting and keeping various documents and materials
by administrative regions or historical periods.
Cultural Manufacturing above Designated Size refer to industrial enterprises with
principal business over 20 million yuan, within the
designated industrial sectors of "Classification of Culture and Relevant
Wholesale and Retail of Culture above Designated Size refer to enterprises of wholesale with
principal business over 20 million yuan, and
industrial enterprise of retail with principal business over 5 million yuan, within the designated industrial sectors of
"Classification of Culture and Relevant Industry(2012)".
Services of Culture above Designated Size refer to those enterprises with
engaged persons over 50, or with principal business over 10 million yuan, of which with principal business over 5 million yuan in culture and recreation industry, within the
designated industrial sectors of "Classification of Culture and Relevant
Certified Grade Athletes refer to those who are awarded the
title of athletes through assessment. The titles include international level
athletes, master of sports, first grade athletes and second grade athletes.
Certified Grade Coaches refer to those who are awarded the title of grade
coaches through assessment. The titles include national level coaches, senior
grade coaches, medium grade coaches and junior grade coaches.