Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Credit Funds  refer to the monetary funds accumulated and distributed in the means of credit by the financial institutions. The sources of credit funds include various deposits, financial bonds, liabilities to international financial institutions, currency in circulation, other items. The uses of credit funds include loans, securities and investment, position for bullion and silver purchase, position for foreign exchange purchase, advances to treasury, and assets with international financial institutions.

Deposit  is a form of credit by which enterprises, institutions, organizations or households can put money into banks and other credit institutions for safekeeping and interest earning under the principle of free withdrawal. According to different depositors, deposits are divided into  unit deposits, personal deposits, fiscal deposits, temporary deposits, entrusted deposits and other deposits. Deposits are major sources of the credit funds of banks.

Loan  is a form of credit by which banks and other credit institutions provide funds at certain interest rate to enterprises and individuals in the light of the principle of unconditional repayment. Loans from Chinese banks include short-term loan, medium-term and long-term loans, financial lease, bill financing, various money advanced, foreign loans.

Insurance Companies  refer to commercial insurance companies of various forms registered by law and established in China with the approval of insurance regulatory agencies.

Amount Insured  refers to the maximum that the insurant will get for the claim of the case insured.

Premium  is the fee paid by the insurant to the insurer to obtain the obligation of compensation from the insurance within the agreed terms.

Settled Claim  is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract.

Payment  includes payment for death, injury or medical treatment and payment at maturity. Payment for death, injury or medical treatment refers to the money paid to the insurant (or the beneficiary) in accordance with the life or health insurance contract when the insurant encounters accidents within the insured period covered in the contract. Payment at maturity refers to the payment to the insurant in accordance with the life insurance contract at the end of the insured period.

Increment of All-system Financing Aggregates  refers to the total volume of financing provided by the financial system to the real economy over a period of time. It includes: RMB Loans, Foreign Currency Loans(RMB), credit loans, entrusted loans, undiscounted banker’s acceptances, corporate bonds, domestic equity financing of non-financial enterprises, investment real estate, premium of insurance, etc.

Stock of All-system Financing Aggregates refers to the total volume of financing provided by the financial system to the real economy at the end of a period (at the end of month, quarter or year). It includes: RMB Loans, Foreign Currency Loans(RMB), credit loans, entrusted loans, undiscounted banker’s acceptances, corporate bonds, domestic equity financing of non-financial enterprises, investment real estate, premium of insurance, etc.