Brief Introduction
Main Contents
Data in this chapter present the development
of transportation, post and telecommunications in
Data on transport cover mainly the length of
the routes of five means of transportation, the possession of transport
equipment, the condition of technological quality, freight traffic and
passenger traffic accomplished by various means of transportation, the
composition of the fixed assets and main financial conditions in the railway
transport, the length of ports above designated size and the situation of
berths, and cargo handled at sea ports.
Data on post and telecommunications cover
mainly the situation of post and telecommunication offices and postal routes;
main telecommunication capacity; business volume of postal and
telecommunication services achieved; and the level of development of postal and
telecommunication services.
Scope of Statistics
1. Data on railway transportation: including
the operation and management of the national, local and joint-venture railways
but not including railways for military purpose, lines built by industrial and
mining enterprises and special railways. Data on the operation and management
of the national railways and joint-venture railways come from the railway
bureaus and transport enterprises subordinate to them. Data on the operation
and management of local railways come from the provincial administrative
departments managing the local railways.
2. Data on highways, waterways and
ports: (1) The length of highways
and waterways refer to the length open to traffic or navigation at the end of
the year, but not including the highways and waterways under construction or
not officially having been put into use. (2) Data on the possession of civil
motor vehicles and the number of drivers are provided by the divisions of
vehicle management under the provincial departments of public security,
subordinate to the Traffic Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, but
not including vehicles for military use. (3) Data on possession of highway
vehicles are provided by the divisions of vehicle management under provincial
departments of public security, which are subordinate to the Traffic Management
Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, including vehicles for business use and
non-business use. These vehicles are part of the totality of civil motor
vehicles. (4) Data on possession of ships are provided by the divisions of
navigation or ports management under provincial departments of communications,
which are subordinate to the Ministry of Transport. However, fishing boats,
boats for constructions in water and boats for military use are not included.
(5) Data on passenger traffic and freight traffic by highways and waterways are
collected and prepared by the Ministry of Transport. (6) Data on highway and
waterway transportation are collected through both comprehensive reporting
system and non-comprehensive reporting system. The statistical scope
encompasses all the enterprises, institutional units and individuals (including
joint-households) registered in the People’s Republic of
3. Data on pipeline transport: The data on
pipeline transport cover the volume transported of petroleum (crude oil)
pipelines, petroleum products pipelines, natural gas pipelines and other gas
pipelines. Data sources of the pipeline transport statistics are mainly the
enterprises engaged in the pipeline transport subordinate to the China National
Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation Group and China Petrochemical Corporation
Group. The two corporations collect and examine the statistical data submitted
to them from the units subordinate to them respectively.
4. Data on civil aviation transport: The
targets of statistical collection are enterprises registered for engagement in
civil aviation transport flights and flights for general purposes and general
aviation airports with scheduled flights. Excluded are foreign companies which
operate flights within Chinese territory. The scope of statistics encompasses
number of lines, mileage flown, transport volume, composition of the fleets
operational situation of the airlines,performance of general purpose flights in respect of domestic
transport, transport between China mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,
and international transport. .
5. Data on post and telecommunications: Data
in this category include postal enterprises and express delivery companies with
annual revenue above 2 million yuan and the three
major enterprises of telecommunication: China Telecom, China Mobile and China
Unicom, not including services provided through dedicated networks. By types of
business, the business volume of post and telecommunications is divided into
postal services and telecommunication services; by coverage it is divided into
domestic service, international service, and service between the Mainland and
Sources of Data
Data in this chapter are processed and
compiled by the Department of Service Statistics, NBS. Data on transportation
are from the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Transport, Civil Aviation
Administration of China, China Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation Group,
China Petrochemical Corporation Group, the divisions of vehicle management
under the provincial departments of public security, which are subordinate to
the Traffic Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security. Data on postal and
telecommunication services come from the Ministry of Industry and Information,
and the State Post Bureau of China.