Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators





Notary Personnel refers to people working for notary offices including: directors, deputy directors, notaries, assistant notaries and other people providing assistance.

Notary Documents refer to the judicial notary documents drawn up at the request of the interested party and are in accordance with facts and the law and following certain legal proceedings.

Extraordinarily Serious Traffic Accident refers to an accident which has caused three or more deaths; or over 11 serious injuries; or one death and over 8 serious injuries; or two deaths and over 5 serious injuries; or a loss over 60 thousand yuan.

Serious Traffic Accident refers to an accident which has caused one or two deaths; or three to ten serious injuries; or a loss over 30 thousand yuan to 60 thousand yuan.

Extraordinarily Serious Fire Case refers to a case which has caused over 30 deaths; or over 100 serious injuries; or a direct property loss over 100 million yuan.

Serious Fire Case refers to a case which has caused over 10 to 30 deaths; or over 50 to 100 serious injuries; or a direct property loss over 50 million to 100 million yuan.

Comparatively Serious Fire Case refers to a case which has caused  over three to ten deaths; or over 10 to 50 serious injuries; or a direct property loss over 10 million to 50 million yuan.

Ordinary Fire Case refers to a case which has caused less than three deaths; or less than 10 serious injuries; or a direct property loss less than 10 million yuan.

Cases Registered and Handled Directly by People’s Procuratorate Offices refer to those serious criminal cases that, according to the functional jurisdiction, are registered and handled by the People’s Procuratorate Offices, including the ones on bribery and corruption, the ones on abuse and dereliction of duty, offences against citizens’ personal and democratic rights by government officials abusing their powers; and that are registered and handled by the provincial Procuratorate offices  in relation to other major crimes committed by government officials by abusing their powers.

Key Cases refer to crimes committed by county and director-level officials. This indicator reflects the situation of those county and director-level officials involved in criminal cases registered and handled by People’s Procuratorate offices.

Approval for Arrest refers to the decision made by people’s procuratorate office, in accordance with the law and relevant facts, to approve the arrest of the suspect(s) as proposed by the public security departments, state security departments or prisons authority. This indicator reflects approved arrests made by people’s procuratorate offices that are proposed by related departments.

Decision on Arrest refers to decision made by the people’s procuratorate office, in accordance with laws, to arrest the suspect(s) in the cases that are accepted and to be investigated by procurators office. This indicator mainly reflects the implementation of the decision on arrest by people’s procuratorate office.

Cases by Public Prosecution refer to those ones that are instituted by People’s Procuratorate offices after their examination of such cases transferred by public security organs, national security organs, jail management organs and prosecutorial organs on the bases of the facts found. This indicator reflects the situation of public prosecutions instituted to the people’s courts by People’s Procuratorate Offices.

Summary Procedure refers to those cases of public prosecution where the suspects might be, according to law, sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or punishment with fines exclusively, where the facts are clear and the evidence is sufficient, and for which the People's Procuratorate suggests or agrees to the application of summary procedure; those cases to be handled only upon complaints; and those minor criminal cases prosecuted by the victims with evidence.

Protests Presented refers to those protests presented by local People's Procuratorate at any level who considers that there exists some definite error in a judgment or order of first instance made by a People's Court at the same level to the People's Court at the next higher level, including the protests raised in accordance with the second instance and protests raised in accordance with procedure for trial supervision.

Withdrawal of Protests refers to the actions made by the People's Procuratorate at the next higher level when it considers the protests inappropriate by withdrawing the protests from the People's Court at the same level and notifying the People's Procuratorate at the next lower level.

Case Registration Supervision refers to the actions made by the People's Procuratorate to supervise the registration of criminal cases initiated by investigative authorities, including supervision of the cases which have wrongly not been registered and have wrongly been registered.

Supervision of Case Registration includes both the supervision of those registrations initiated by investigatory authorities and the supervision of those registrations according to notifications after hearing declined reasons for registration.

Supervisory Activities refers to the supervision of the People’s Procuratorate over the management of prisons as well as other places of criminal reformation under supervision.

Juvenile Criminals refers to the offenders within the age range of 14 to 25 convicted guilty by the court during the reporting period while those between 14 and 18 are defined as minor offenders.

Administrative Cases refers to the cases filed by citizens, corporations and other organizations against the specific administrative conducts of administrative authorities and handled by the court.

Separate Compensation refers to cases that are separately filed for administrative compensation by the party who has no dispute on the legality of administrative conducts but brings proceedings separately to claim for damages caused by administrative tort.

Number of Urban Residents Entitled to Minimum Living Allowances refers to the number of those whose average family income is below a minimum local standard by the end of the reporting period, including both the employed and unemployed, laid off and retired, and those jobless people without stable residence or valid IDs.

Number of Rural Residents Entitled to Minimum Living Allowances refers to the number of those receiving the minimum living allowances from the local government or community in the rural areas where this allowances system is in place as of the end of the reporting period.

Households Enjoying Five Guarantees refers to those senior citizens, handicapped or under-aged who, without labour ability, can not make a living by themselves and whose statutory providers are unable to support them or who have no statutory providers at all.

Number of Rural Recipients of Traditional Relief refers to the poor people entitled to traditional relief in rural areas where the minimum living allowances system is not in place.

Social Welfare Enterprises refers to those welfare-oriented enterprises employing a significant number of handicapped people with certain labour ability (handicapped employees shall exceed 10% of the production staff), including welfare factories, artificial limb plants as well as other welfare enterprises.

Number of Service Facilities in Urban Communities refers to the number non-profit welfare facilities set up by urban communities (community offices and residents’ committees) to serve the community residents, including, among others, community-based centers that serve senior citizens, the handicapped or children, recreational centers, service centers, nursing homes, apartments for the elderly (nursery for the aged), work and treatment stations for the handicapped, day-care centers for handicapped children, domestic help agencies and dating services, as well as social insurance management agencies for the employees. Different types of community service providers that share the same premise are regarded as one community service facility. The requirements for a social service facility of communities include: (1) independent accounting; (2) fixed employees; (3) provision of services; and (4) premises.

Crude Divorce Rate refers to ratio of divorced couples to the annual average population for the reference year, the formula is:


Proportion of Deaf Children Enrolled in Ordinary Pre-school and Primary Education  refers to the proportion of deaf children who are enrolled in ordinary kindergartens or primary schools during the year in the total number of deaf children under rehabilitation programme (not including new comers into the rehabilitation programme during the year).

Number of Mental Patients under the Integrated Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme refers to mental disease patients receiving integrated prevention and rehabilitation treatment of various forms under open environment in areas with mental disease rehabilitation programmes. This indicator reflects the situation of mental patients receiving rehabilitation treatment.

Supervision Rate refers to the percentage of patients among the total number of registered mental disease patients, who participate in social integrated and open treatment and rehabilitation programmes through various forms such as supervision groups, family treatment, employment or guidance from psychiatric institutions. This indicator reflects the implementation of various measures aimed at rehabilitating those mental patients.

Social Participation Rate  refers to proportion of mental disease patients who are able to manage their daily life and participate in economic activities to the total number of mental disease patients under supervision. This indicator reflects the condition of recovery of those mental patients and their participation in social activities.

Violation Rate refers to the number of the patients with mental diseases who have violated the Public Security Regulations as a percentage of the total registered patients with mental diseases within the year.

Total Number of Handicapped School-age Children without School Attendance refers to the number of handicapped children of the school age as prescribed by the provincial government in accordance with the Law on Compulsory Education who fail to attend any schools for various reasons as of December 31 of the current year.

Centralized Employment refers to the number of the urban handicapped residents employed, in a centralized manner, by welfare enterprises, work and treatment agencies, blind massagists’ centers and other organizations as of December 31of the current year.

Proportionate Employment refers to the number of the urban handicapped residents employed by governmental bodies, organizations, corporate and public institutions, and various economic organizations in a decentralized manner as of December 31 of the current year.

Number of Labour Disputes Cases Accepted refers to the number of cases of labour disputes submitted that, after being reviewed by the labour dispute arbitration committees in line with the relevant national regulations, are accepted and registered for treatment.

Basic Pension Insurance

1.Number of staff and workers covered refer to staff and workers participating in the basic pension insurance programme according to national laws, regulations and related policies at the end of the reference period, who have already had payment records in social security management agencies, including those who have interrupt payment without terminating the insurance programme. Those who have registered in the programme but with no payment records are not included.

2. Number of retirees participating in the basic pension insurance programme refer to the number of retirees participating in basic pension insurance programmes by the end of the reference period.

3. Revenue of the basic pension insurance programme refers to payments made by employers and individuals participating in the pension insurance programme in accordance with the basis and proportion stipulated in State regulations, and income from other sources that become source of pension insurance fund, including the premium paid by employers and staff and workers, interest income, subsidies from higher level agencies, income as transfer from subordinate agencies, transferred income, government financial subsidies and other income.

4. Expenditure of basic pension insurance programme refers to payment made on pensions and funeral subsidies to those retired and resigned people covered in pension insurance programmes according to related national policies on scopeand standard of expenditure. Also included are expenditure which arises due to shift of the insurance relationship or adjustment of funds among agencies. More specifically, included are  pensions for resigned people, pensions for retired people, pension for people quitting jobs, various subsidies, medical fees, funeral subsidies, compensation payments, management fees for social security agencies, expenses on subsidies to lower subordinates, expenses as transfer to agencies at higher level, transferred expenditure and other expenditure.

5. Balance of basic pension insurance programme refers to the balance of basic pension insurance funds at the end of the reference period after deducting expenses from revenue.

Basic Medical Care Insurance

1. Number of people participating in the insurance programme refers to people participating in the basic medical care insurance programme according to related regulations as at the end of reference period, including number of staff and workers and retirees participating in this insurance programme.

2. Revenue of the insurance programme refers to payments made by employers and individuals participating in the medical care insurance programme in accordance with the basis and proportion stipulated in State regulations, and income from other sources that become source of medical insurance fund, including income of social comprehensive funds paid by employers, income from individual accounts, government financial subsidies, interest income and other income.

3. Expenditure of the insurance programme refers to payment made from social comprehensive funds to those retired and resigned people covered in basic medical care insurance within the scope and standards of expenditure according to related national policies, and medical care payment made from individual accounts to staff and workers and retirees, and other expenses, including medical expenses of hospital inpatients, medical expenses for outpatients and emergency patients, payment from individual accounts and other expenditure.

4. Balance of the basic medical care insurance programme refer to the balance of medical care insurance of social comprehensive funds and individual accounts at the end of the reference period, including bank savings, special fiscal accounts, investment in bonds and others.

Unemployment Insurance

1. Number of people covered refers to staff and workers in urban enterprises or institutions who have participated in the unemployment insurance programme according to relevant policies and regulations, and other people who have participated according to local government regulations, as at the end of reference period.

2. Revenue of the unemployment insurance programme refers to payments made by employers and individuals participating in unemployment insurance programme in accordance with relevant regulations and other income contributed to this programme, including unemployment insurance premium made by employers and individuals, interest income, subsidies from higher level agencies, income as transfer from subordinate agencies, transferred income, government financial subsidies and other income.

3. Expenditure of the unemployment insurance programme refers to total expenses during the reference period to guarantee the basic livelihood of unemployed people and laid-off staff and workers and to encourage their re-employment. Included are unemployment relief, medical fees, funeral subsidies, compensation payments, training expenses, management fees for unemployment insurance agencies, subsidies to lower level agencies, expenses as transfer to higher level agencies, transferred expenditure and other expenditure.

4. Balance of the unemployment insurance programme refers to the balance of revenue of the programme after deducting expenses at the end of the reference period.

Work Injury Insurance

1. Number of people covered refers to staff and workers who have participated in the work injury insurance programme according to relevant national regulations.

2. Number of beneficiaries refers to staff and workers and their direct dependents who can, in accordance with relevant regulations, benefit from work injury insurance, as a result of work injury leading to disability or death of the staff/worker, or occupational disease leading to disability. Included in this category are number of injured and disabled people, number of people with occupational diseases, number of deaths at work places, and number of direct dependents.

3. Revenue of the work injury insurance programme refers to payments made by employers participating in the work injury insurance programme in accordance with the basis and proportion stipulated in State regulations, and income from other sources that become source of work injury insurance fund, including income of social comprehensive funds paid by employers, government financial subsidies, interest income and other income.

4. Expenditure of the work injury insurance programme refers to payments made from work injury insurance funds to those who participated in the work injury insurance programme and their direct dependents within the scope and standards of expenditure according to related national policies, and other expenditure, including medical fees for work injury, injury and disability subsidies, death subsidies, nursing fees, funeral subsidies, injury prevention fees, occupational rehabilitation fees and other expenditure.

5. Balance of the work injury insurance programme refers to the balance of the work injury funds at the end of the reference period, including bank savings, special fiscal account, investment in bonds and others.

Maternity Insurance

1. Number of people covered refers to staff and workers who have participated in the maternity insurance programme according to relevant regulation at the end of the reporting period.

2. Revenue of maternity insurance refers to payments made by employers participating in the maternity insurance programme in accordance with the basis and proportion stipulated in State regulations, and income from other sources that become source of maternity insurance fund, including income of funds paid by employers, interest income and other income.

3. Expenditure of the maternity insurance programme refers to payments made from maternity insurance funds to staff and workers who participate in the maternity insurance programme within the scope and standards of expenditure in accordance with related national policies, expenses paid for pregnancy, child delivery or surgeries related to family planning, and other expenditure, including allowance for child bearing, medical fees and other expenditure.

4. Balance of the maternity programme refers to the balance of the maternity insurance funds at the end of reference period, including bank savings, special fiscal account, investment in funds and others.