Brief Introduction
I. Main Contents
in this chapter show the development of
II. Sources of Data
Data on the activities of financial institutions are 19-1 Balance Sheet of
Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Funds Sources), 19-2 Balance Sheet of
Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Funds Uses), 19-3 Cash Income of
Financial Institutions, 19-4 Cash Expenditure of Financial Institutions, 19-5
Currency Issue and Cash Withdrawn of Financial Institutions, 19-6 Money Supply
at Year-end, 19-7 Rate of Increase of Money Supply Over the Previous
Corresponding Period, 19-10 Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves, 19-11 Balance
Sheet of State-owned Commercial Banks at Year-end and 19-12 Balance Sheet of
Foreign-funded Banks at Year-end. Statistical scope of balance sheet of credit
funds of financial institutions and data on cash income and expenditure cover
the People’s Bank of China, the State policy banks, the State-owned commercial
banks, other commercial banks, urban cooperative banks, urban credit
cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, foreign-funded banks, finance
companies, financial trust and investment companies, financial leasing
companies, postal savings bureau. The grassroots units of the above financial
institutions fill out the questionnaires and report to the higher authority.
The higher authorities tabulate the data level by level. Finally, the Head
Office of the People’s Bank of China tabulate the data
to obtain the national total. The data on gold and foreign exchange reserves
are extracted from the balance sheet of the People’s Bank of China and are
provided by the relevant departments in the Bank.
Tables 19-8 Official Interest Rates of Deposits of Financial Institutions and
19-9 Official Interest Rates of Loans of Financial Institutions show the
changes of the interest rates of deposits and loans. Data are from the interest
rates of deposits and loans stipulated and published by the Head Office of the
People’s Bank of China.
Tables 19-13 General Statistics on Securities Markets, 19-14 Number of Listed
Companies, 19-15 Issued Shares and Raised Capital and 19-16 Statistics of Stock
Trading show the situation regarding direct financing. Data are from the
Statistical Yearbook on
Table 19-17 Number of Institutions and Employed Persons in the Insurance System
at Year-end and 19-18 Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies,19-19 Situations of Assets
of Insurance Company,19-20 Fund Uses of Insurance Company,19-21 Premium of Primary Insurance
and Payment by Region show the business situation of the insurance industry,
with data coming from the insurance statistics compiled by the China Insurance
Regulatory Commission.