Brief Introduction
I. Main Contents
in this chapter cover mainly energy production, consumption, and composition;
elasticity ratio of energy production and consumption; overall balance sheet of
energy and balance sheets by different types of energy; consumption of energy
by sector and by types of energy; efficiency of energy processing and
conversion; and the consumption of energy for non-production uses. Since 2006,
indicators like energy consumption per unit of GDP are also included.
II. The Scope of Data
scope of data in this chapter is the whole country.
III. Sources of Data
in Table 6-1 are calculated on the basis of statistics on output of industrial
products; data in Table 6-14 come from the Association of Power Generation
Enterprises; and data in other tables in this chapter are from the energy
balance sheets over the years.
IV. Notes on Coverage and Compilation
of Data
The data on production of primary energy are the same as the corresponding data on industrial statistics.
The elasticity ratio of energy production is calculated as the quotient of the
growth rate of energy production divided by the growth rate of GDP; and the
elasticity ratio of energy consumption is calculated as the quotient of the
growth rate of energy consumption divided by the growth rate of GDP.
In the energy balance sheet, data on imports and exports are from Customs
statistics. The refueling by Chinese ships and airplanes abroad is included in
imports. The refueling by foreign ships and airplanes in
In the table on the efficiency of energy conversion, the coefficient for the
conversion of electric power into the standard coal equivalent is calculated on
the basis of the heat value equivalent. One kilowatt is equal to
Gross domestic product and industrial value-added are calculated at 2005 prices.
The statistical coverage of energy consumption per unit of industrial
value-added is all State-owned and non-State-owned industrial enterprises with
annual revenue from principal businesses of over 5 million yuan.
Since the data of the Second National Economic Census are still under review
and accumulation, energy balance sheets are absent.