Brief Introduction
Data in this chapter show main social and economic developments of the Macao
Special Administrative Region, including data on land, population, employment,
national accounts, industry, energy, construction, transportation,
communication, external trade, public finance and banking, prices, education,
health, housing and social security.
Data of 1999 and previous years in this chapter refer to data of the former
All data in this chapter are provided by the Statistics and Census Services,
the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and further
tabulated or edited by the International Statistical Information Centre of the
National Bureau of Statistics.
According to the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the
People’s Republic of China, Macao Special Administrative Region maintains
its independent statistical system, and compiles and disseminates statistics on
the Region. As
As Pataca (MOP) is the legal
tender in the Macao Special Administrative Region, all other currencies
(including Renminbi) are regarded as foreign
currencies in compiling foreign exchange statistics and related statistics.
For more detailed statistics and technical details, users are advised to read
Macao Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Macao Yearbook of Statistics and other
publications compiled by the Statistics and Census Services, the Government of
the Macao Special Administrative Region.
Notations used in this chapter:
“-” Indicates absolute
value equals zero; (blank) indicates no figure provided or not available; “p”
indicates provisional data; “o” indicates
less than half of the unit employed; “r” indicates rectified data; “*” or “①”indicates see
footnotes below.