Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Total Population refers to the total
number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area.
The annual statistics on total population is
taken at
Urban Population and Rural Population Urban population refer to all people
residing in cities and towns, while rural population refer to population other
than urban population.
Birth Rate (or Crude Birth Rate) refers
to the ratio of the number of births to the average population (or mid-period
population) during a certain period of time (usually a year), expressed in ‰.
Birth rate in the chapter refers to annual birth rate. The following formula is
Birth Rate = (Number of Births/Average
Number of Population)×1000‰
Number of births in the formula refers to
live births, i.e. when a baby has breathed or showed any vital phenomena
regardless of the length of pregnancy.
Annual average number of population is the
average of the number of population at the beginning of the year and that at
the end of the year. Sometimes it is substituted by the mid-year population.
Death Rate (or Crude Death Rate) refers
to the ratio of the number of deaths to the average population (or mid-period
population) during a certain period of time (usually a year), expressed in ‰.
Death rate in the chapter refers to annual death rate. The following formula is
Death Rate= (Number of Deaths/Annual Average
Number of Population)×1000‰
Natural Growth Rate of Population refers
to the ratio of natural increase in population (number of births minus number
of deaths) in a certain period of time (usually a year) to the average
population (or mid-period population) of the same period, expressed in ‰. The
following formula is applied:
Natural Growth Rate of Population = [(Number
of Births-Number of Deaths)/Average Number of Population]×1000‰
Natural Growth Rate of Population = Birth
Rate-Death Rate
Gross Dependency Ratio also called
gross dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of non-working-age population
to the working-age population, express in %. Describing in general the number
of non-working-age population that every 100 people at working ages will take
care of, this indicator reflects the basic relation between population and
economic development from the demographic perspective. The gross dependency
ratio is calculated with the following formula:
GDR= P0~14+P65+/ P15~64 ×100%
Where: GDR is the gross dependency ratio
is the population of
children aged 0-14
P65+ is
the elderly population aged 65 and over, and
P15-64 is the
working-age population aged 15-64
Old Dependency Ratio also
called old dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of the elderly
population to the working-age population, express in %. It describes the number
of the elderly population that every 100 people at working ages will take care
of. Old dependency ratio is one of the indicators reflecting the social
implication of population aging from the economic perspective. The old
dependency ratio is calculated with the following formula:
Where: ODR is the old dependency ratio
P65+ is
the elderly population aged 65 and over, and
P15-64 is the
working-age population aged 15-64
Children Dependency Ratio also
called children dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of the children
population to the working-age population, express in %. It describes the number
of children population that every 100 people at working ages will take care of.
The children dependency ratio is calculated with the following formula:
CDR=P0~14 /P15~64×100%
Where: CDR is the children dependency ratio
is the children
population aged 0-14, and
P15-64 is the
working-age population aged 15-64