22-43 Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in
Rural Areas (2003) |
No. |
Cause of Death |
As % of Total
Deaths |
Total |
92.91 |
1 |
Malignant Tumour |
25.28 |
2 |
Cerebrovascular Disease |
23.75 |
3 |
Respiratory Disease |
18.72 |
4 |
Heart Trouble |
12.03 |
5 |
Trauma and Toxicosis |
5.69 |
6 |
Internal System,
Nutrition, Metabolite and Immunity Disease |
3.56 |
7 |
Digestive Disease |
2.78 |
8 |
Urinary Disease |
1.89 |
9 |
Disease Originating in
the Perinatal Period |
1.11 |
10 |
Pulmonary Tuberculosis |
1.10 |
Male Total |
93.35 |
1 |
Malignant Tumour |
23.33 |
2 |
Cerebrovascular Disease |
20.94 |
3 |
Respiratory Disease |
18.21 |
4 |
Heart Trouble |
14.87 |
5 |
Trauma and Toxicosis |
8.20 |
6 |
Digestive Disease |
3.41 |
7 |
Internal System,
Nutrition, Metabolite and Immunity |
1.84 |
8 |
Disease Urinary Disease |
1.60 |
9 |
Pulmonary Tuberculosis |
1.15 |
10 |
Disease Originating in
the Perinatal Period |
0.80 |
Female Total |
90.96 |
1 |
Cerebrovascular Disease |
21.35 |
2 |
Respiratory Disease |
21.35 |
3 |
Malignant Tumour |
18.50 |
4 |
Heart Trouble |
18.04 |
5 |
Trauma and Toxicosis |
4.99 |
6 |
Digestive Disease |
3.02 |
7 |
Internal System, Nutrition,
Metabolite and Immunity Disease |
2.72 |
8 |
Urinary Disease |
1.70 |
9 |
Disease Originating in
the Perinatal Period |
0.81 |
10 |
Mental Disorders |
0.48 |
Statistics in the table cover full or partial areas of 90 counties, including
counties in Beijing. |