3-22  Total Input Coefficients of Input-Output Table (2000)
          (100 million yuan)
Output Agriculture   Foodstuff     Production and Coking, Gas   Building     Construction Trans- Commerce Public    
Mining and Textile, Sewing Other Supply of and   Materials and     portation, and Utilities Banking and Other
  Quarrying Leather and Manufacturing Electric Petroleum Chemical Non-metal Metal Machinery and  Post and Catering & Resident Insurance Services
Input   Furs Products   Power, Steam Refining Industry Mineral Products Equipment Telecommuni- Trade Services    
      and Hot Water     Products     cations        
      Agriculture                        0.2420106 0.0300494 0.5867482 0.2341326 0.1289126 0.0276629 0.0277291 0.1224812 0.0547089 0.0394701 0.0460993 0.0469173 0.0282522 0.1499864 0.0517408 0.0142006 0.0553551
      Mining and Quarrying               0.0485274 0.1254948 0.0504144 0.0603614 0.0923983 0.2857317 0.6797891 0.1584287 0.1949355 0.2527605 0.1241118 0.1682647 0.1245985 0.0622692 0.0814487 0.0250460 0.0734861
       Foodstuff                          0.0890797 0.0122568 0.1711815 0.0628715 0.0306803 0.0158769 0.0132419 0.0434491 0.0252202 0.0195202 0.0220279 0.0240491 0.0178944 0.1239407 0.0403288 0.0083692 0.0259462
      Textile, Sewing, Leather and       0.0302606 0.0360520 0.0346615 0.7830293 0.1902769 0.0304654 0.0323630 0.1323513 0.0801777 0.0512087 0.0623923 0.0506518 0.0360397 0.0556673 0.0673722 0.0188665 0.0558425
      Furs Products                    
      Other Manufacturing                0.0261608 0.0371748 0.0634951 0.0500977 0.3116301 0.0400498 0.0355999 0.0692680 0.1387172 0.1154951 0.0814942 0.0858124 0.0516619 0.0803109 0.0877518 0.0465131 0.0974618
      Production and Supply of Electric  0.0537290 0.1275759 0.0581273 0.0738022 0.1238479 0.1334307 0.1177658 0.2060212 0.1717881 0.2241441 0.1257639 0.1146713 0.0776837 0.0594880 0.0678751 0.0244347 0.0773967
      Power, Steam and Hot Water       
      Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 0.0492089 0.0893669 0.0452082 0.0523330 0.0693031 0.2067569 0.1535800 0.1271914 0.1298052 0.1714146 0.0971328 0.1720665 0.1669175 0.0680002 0.0882467 0.0259865 0.0694906
       Chemical Industry                  0.2265609 0.1487559 0.1857744 0.3323647 0.2792807 0.1133656 0.1374317 0.7128931 0.2458404 0.1709487 0.3273225 0.1877586 0.1223092 0.1382083 0.1517594 0.0451851 0.2072065
      Building Materials and Non-metal   0.0093293 0.0185075 0.0146121 0.0116521 0.0207129 0.0167302 0.0176711 0.0211667 0.1118799 0.0393195 0.0362854 0.1916639 0.0182326 0.0181329 0.0334425 0.0090561 0.0245211
      Mineral Products                 
      Metal Products                     0.0376867 0.1160453 0.0499609 0.0548977 0.1330570 0.1020026 0.0958837 0.0897077 0.1796438 0.5893478 0.4129330 0.3256050 0.1098053 0.0770743 0.1001276 0.0379838 0.0896935
      Machinery and Equipment            0.0939608 0.2394307 0.1035982 0.1388117 0.1863279 0.3261589 0.2196166 0.2002855 0.2541604 0.2863077 0.7860565 0.3396671 0.3717619 0.2388895 0.2856213 0.1144430 0.2295781
      Construction                       0.0062677 0.0064697 0.0061345 0.0068272 0.0074255 0.0079455 0.0065995 0.0079780 0.0083670 0.0091597 0.0085398 0.0096656 0.0259944 0.0125763 0.0442454 0.0181174 0.0375185
      Transportation, Post and           0.0411837 0.0617691 0.0493035 0.0635261 0.0728490 0.0753424 0.0692479 0.0832282 0.1127225 0.1180838 0.0895238 0.1388097 0.0796901 0.0725190 0.1014791 0.0512420 0.1313791
      Commerce and Catering Trade        0.0581102 0.0691600 0.0947439 0.1491081 0.1430776 0.1138870 0.0836461 0.1255267 0.1527318 0.1273560 0.1300887 0.1541403 0.0731961 0.1463656 0.0989661 0.0419856 0.1076251
      Public Utilities and Resident      0.0247359 0.0319087 0.0399231 0.0453046 0.0482131 0.0411152 0.0342433 0.0535083 0.0504132 0.0552115 0.0572813 0.0739013 0.0653965 0.1062536 0.1166086 0.0988656 0.0892005
      Banking and Insurance              0.0204835 0.0326710 0.0262398 0.0374754 0.0397758 0.0467851 0.0343042 0.0459886 0.0508445 0.0665902 0.0511047 0.0456704 0.0381393 0.0679384 0.0689125 0.0623182 0.0408107
      Other Services                     0.0260533 0.0138834 0.0157544 0.0106517 0.0128838 0.0113736 0.0115468 0.0119616 0.0109583 0.0135929 0.0122732 0.0224604 0.0137755 0.0131911 0.0174592 0.0082358 0.0356041