National Accounts
Statistics on national accounts
include mainly four components, namely, gross domestic product, input-output
table, flow of fund table and balance of payment.
I. Gross Domestic Product
The data on GDP are calculated by
the Department of National Economic Accounting, National Bureau of Statistics
(NBS) with various approaches in the light of the features of various sectors,
various expenditure structures and the data sources. The gross national product
can be calculated on the base of GDP and the net factor income from abroad.
Data on the national accounts of
the latest year published in the yearbook are not final and are subject to
changes. When it happens to be a census year, the data of GDP of the past years
may also be revised. In 1995, the GDP figures of the past years were adjusted
in accordance with the result of the first tertiary industry census. Data
published in this yearbook are the adjusted data.
Regional data in this yearbook are
prepared according to the data of national accounts provided by the statistical
bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under
the central government. The sum of the regional data is not equal to the
national total.
II. Input-output Table
The 1997 input-output table of China
included in this chapter are compiled by the Department of National Accounts of
the National Bureau of Statistics.
Reflecting the sources of the input
into, and the utilization of the output from production by various industries
of the national economy. It is used to reveal, in quantitative terms, the
interrelated and mutually dependent economic and technological relations
between industries.
III. Flow of Fund Table
Similar to internationally accepted
format, the flow of fund table of China constitutes a matrix of institutional
sectors by transactions. Items of transactions are expressed as row headings
representing forms of distribution and methods of financing. Institutional
sectors are shown as column headings, grouped by the characteristics of the transactors.
There are 5 groups of institutional sectors in the flow of fund table, namely,
nonfinancial corporations, financial institutions, general governments,
households, and the rest of the world. Under each sector there are 2 headings:
source of fund and utilization of fund. The current flow of fund table is
composed of two parts: the first part is the physical (real) transaction
compiled by the National Accounts Department of the National Bureau of
Statistics, and the second part is the financial transactions compiled by the
Survey and Statistics Department of the People's Bank of China.
IV. Balance of Payment Table
The balance of payment table was
compiled by the Balance of Payment Department of the State Administration of
Foreign Exchanges. The methodology and standards in the 5th edition of the Manual on Balance of Payment were fully
adopted in compiling balance of payment statistics since 1997.