24-23    Money Supply
(100 million MOP(as at end of year))
Items 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Money Supply  (M1) 54.8r 55.8r 50.9r 43.3r 57.1
  Classification 1: MOP 35.7r 34.6r 35.9r 27.9r 35.1
                            HKD                 18.6r 20.6r 14.6r 14.7r 21.3
                            Other Currencies 0.5r 0.6r 0.4r 0.7r 0.6
  Classification 2: Currency in Circulation  (MOP)                                15.2 15.5 18.2 17.4 19.8
                            Demand Deposits 39.7 40.3r 32.7r 25.9r 37.3
Money Supply (M2) 783.6 807.0r 858.2r 843.0r 913.4
  Classification 1: MOP 241.8 248.6r 278.7r 228.3r 261.0
                            HKD                 416.0 428.6r 439.3r 442.8r 467.0
                            Other Currencies 125.8 129.8r 140.2r 171.9r 185.4
  Classification 2: Money Supply  (M1)                              54.8r 55.8r 50.9r 43.3r 57.1
                           Quasi-Monetary Liabilities (QML) 728.7r 751.2r 807.3r 799.7r 856.3
                                   Savings Deposits 134.7 135.1r 148.8r 154.5r 193.6
                                   Notice Deposits 6.7 8.8 8.8r 7.7 8.4
                                   Time Deposits 587.3 607.3r 649.7r 637.5r 654.2
                                   Certificates of Deposits
Notes: Pataca (MOP) is the legal tender in the Macao Special Administrative Region, as stated in "The Basic Law of the Macao Special
           Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China". 
           In compliance with the definition of residency recommended by the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
           figures for the years from 1998 to 2000 were adjusted accordingly.
           M2 = M1 + Quasi-Monetary Liabilities (QML)
           Starting from January 2001, the definition of M1 has been revised. Saving Deposits are reclassified as component of the
               Quasi-Monetary Liabilities (QML); while M1 includes only Currency in Circulation and Demand Deposits.
           QML: Quasi-Monetary Liabilities, which consist of savings deposits, notice deposits, time deposits and certificate of deposits.