23-46    Student Enrolment by Type of Educational Institution
Type 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
  Kindergarten                     177462 175073 171138 160921 156202
  Primary School          
      Day School                      461911 476802 491851 493979 493075
      Evening School                        98 342 - - -
  Secondary School                                        
      Day School                      458118 455872 453465 456693 456455
           Lower Secondary                    246713 238877 235874 241616 246132
           Upper Secondary                    157068 160430 159343 155518 150886
           Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 54337 56565 58248 59559 59437
       Evening School                        10871 12095 11785 10017 8948
  Special Education School                                          
      Day School                      8956 9667 9687 9387 9511
           Special School 8825 9513 9499 9181 9354
           Special Classes in Ordinary School 131 154 188 206 157
  Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education   63351 62721 54781 53734 54101
          Craft Level Courses 5206 5043 1640 1977 1602
          Technician Level Courses 8595 10161 8019 12808 14208
          Higher Technician/Technician Level Courses - - 6298 420 364
          Higher Technician Level Courses 5265 5520 3803 7074 8017
          Craft Level Courses 16033 14850 10941 8835 8073
          Technician Level Courses 19073 17693 14286 12941 10893
          Higher Technician Level Courses 9179 9454 9794 9679 10944
  Vocational Training Council School of Business and          
     Information Systems          
          Higher Technician Level Courses - - - - 724
  Approved Post-secondary Colleges                               
       Full-time                            2383 2346 2361 2707 4180
  Other Colleges                                 
      Day Course                          2268 3069 3620 4193 2284
      Evening Course                      930 1178 953 1065 979
  UGC-funded Institution 86202 84538 83754 81472 82984
          Sub-degree 11220 11081 10887 10284 13830
          Undergraduate                       44225 43885 44031 44241 44775
          Taught Postgraduate 1229 1374 1480 1593 1925
          Research Postgraduate                       3113 3188 3363 3290 3647
          Sub-degree                         11758 10835 10029 8365 5857
          Undergraduate                       4120 3759 3436 3365 3279
          Taught Postgraduate 9827 9729 9870 9662 9034
          Research Postgraduate                       710 687 658 672 637
  The Hong Kong Academy for        
    Performing Arts        
      Full-time 697 748 704 712 738
          Non-degree 448 485 433 438 452
          Degree 249 263 271 274 286
  The Open University of Hong Kong                      
      Full-time - - - - 116
      Part-time                            22904 24318 25654 25722 26807
  Institutes Offering Adult Education                      
    /Tutorial/Vocational Courses        
      Day Courses                          36601 48920 64293 76606 88968
      Evening Courses                      62987 76765 77909 100259 95320
Notes: Figures for kindergarten, primary, secondary and special education school are as at September of the year. Figures for approved post-secondary
           colleges, institutes offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses, courses offered by other colleges, the Hong Kong Academy for
           Performing Arts and the Open University of Hong Kong are as at October of the year.  Figures for the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational
           Education and Vocational Training Council School of Business and Information Systems are as at 1 November of each academic year. Figures
           for UGC-funded institutions are as at December of the year.
           Figures refer to students of the two former Technical Colleges and the seven former Technical Institutes from 1997 to 1998, and to students
               of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education from 1999 onwards.  
           The Vocational Training Council School of Business and Information Systems started operation in 2001. Courses offered are accredited and
               are on self-financing basis.
           Craft level courses are post-secondary 3 courses.
           Higher technician and technician level courses are post-secondary 5 courses but higher technician level courses are more advanced courses.
           Higher technician/technician level courses are post-secondary 5 courses with common first year curricula.
           Figures before 2001 refer to students of UGC-funded programmes only.  Figures from 1996 onwards include those for the Hong Kong Institute of
               Education, which came under the aegis of the University Grants Committee (UGC) with effect from 1 July 1996. 
           Starting from 2001, figures also include students attending full-time accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes.
           Figures include students in certificate, advanced certificate, professional certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and professional diploma
           The Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong was established in June 1989.  It was retitled The Open University of Hong Kong on 30 May