23-30    Number of Companies in Hong Kong that are Regional Headquarters 
by Country/Territory of Incorporation of the Parent Company
(Number of companies in Hong Kong that are regional headquarters)        
Country/territory of incorporation 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
of the parent company
  The United States 219 194 205 212 221
  Japan 119 109 114 127 160
  United Kingdom 84 95 82 81 90
  The Mainland of China 113 70 69 69 70
  Germany 51 59 55 50 56
  Netherlands 25 27 32 31 48
  France 35 38 36 28 43
  Switzerland 25 28 32 29 34
  Singapore 18 17 20 21 25
  Taiwan,China 28 26 28 21 22
  Bermuda 20 9 11 18 12
  British Virgin Islands 20 9 17 22 5
  Sweden 18 14 16 15 16
  Republic of Korea 19 21 14 15 13
  Canada 16 13 19 21 16
  Others 104 100 98 101 118
  Total 914 829 848 861 949
  (903) (819) (840) (855) (944)
Notes: Figures refer to 1 June of the year.
           A regional headquarters (RHQ) is an office that has control over the operation of offices or branches in the region (i.e. Hong Kong plus one
           or more other places), and manages the business in the region without frequent referrals to its parent company outside Hong Kong.
          The total number of companies that are regional headquarters by country/territory of incorporation of parent company in this table may be 
               greater than the actual number because some companies are  joint ventures undertaken by two or more  investors. The actual number for